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休閒暨觀光產業研究第二卷 第一期 133-146頁 民國九十六年十月 Journal of Leisure and Tourism Industry Research, October. 2007, Vol.2, No. 1, 133-146 ISSN :1992-5565 中式速食連鎖餐廳消費者外食價值與消費知覺關係之研究 The Relationship of Consumer Eating-Out Values and Consumer Perceptions of Chinese Fast-Food Chain Restaurants  蘇靖淑 Ching-Shu Su 收件日期:96 年7月 08日 ;接受日期 :96 年9月 15日 摘要 本研究將以台灣中式速食連鎖餐廳 為對象進行研究 ,探討消費者之外食價 值 、消費者的消費知覺 ,以及二者之間的關係。本研究以便利抽樣的方式進行問 卷調查 ,共計發出 600份問卷 ,有效問卷為 316份 ,回收率為 52.7% 。採用的資 料分析方法包括敘述性統計 、因素分析 、單因子變異數分析 與相關分析 。研究結 果發現消費知覺的測量項目中 ,消費者評分最高的項目 為 「服務人員可提供正確 的帳單 」,評分最低的項目 為 「餐廳所屬連鎖體系經常有創新餐點的推出 」。而 功利型價值取向與消費知覺之確實與便利性 、餐點價值與品牌形象成正相關 ,而 享樂型價值取向與消費知覺之服務與用餐環境 、客訴處理與創新性成正相關 。最 後 ,提出結論 、研究限制與未來研究之建議 。 關鍵詞 :速食 、連鎖餐廳 、消費者價值 、消費知覺 Abstract This research focused on Chinese fast-food chain restaurants and explored consumer eating-out values, consumer perception and their relationship. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire survey administered to a convenient sampling. Totally, there were 316 valid questionnaires obtained from 600 distributed. Statistical techniques conducted include descriptive statistics, factor analysis, One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis. In the results of this study, for consumer perception, the highest item was “the server can provide correct bill”, and the lowest one was “the chain restaurants usually offer new meals”. For the relationship of consumer values and consumer perception, the consumers with utilitarian values are positively correlated with the assurance and convenience, the value of meals and brand image. Furthermore, the consumers with hedonic values are positively correlated with service and dining environment, dealing with customer complaints and creativity. Finally, conclusion, suggestions and


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