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中級第三回 Listening Part1: Picture Questions Look at each picture and answer the question. 1. What is the girl using to mix everything? A. a sink B. a whisk C. a fork D. a spoon Answer: B 【解題關鍵】 what所引導的問句是在詢問種類、性質。use something to mix everything用~(工具)來攪拌東西。mix(v.) 混和、攪拌。由圖片可看到她是用whisk(n.) 攪拌器,例如: an electric whisk 電動攪拌器、a hand-held whisk 手持式攪拌器;whisk當動詞用是指急速攪拌(蛋汁、奶油等)。 【重要字彙】 sink:(n.) 水槽 fork:(n.) 叉子 spoon:(n.) 湯匙 2. What is Hank doing to try and get some money from his mom? A. Hank is asking his mom nicely. B. He is pleading with his mom. C. Hank is talking in a normal voice to his mom. D. He is yelling at his mom angrily. Answer: B 【解題關鍵】 What is/are someone doing?是某人正在做~之意。( in order ) to try and get some money from his mom 試著向他母親要錢,to是 in order to(以便於~)的省略型。圖片上的Hank已經跪下來求他母親,所以答案是B: He is pleading with his mom. 他正在向他的母親懇求。plead(v.) 懇求、乞求。 【重要片語】 a normal voice: 用正常的聲音,例如: speak with a normal voice 用正常的聲音說話。 yell at~: 大聲喊叫,例如: A lady was yelling at her dog a few minutes ago. 幾分鐘前有個女士在大聲吼叫她的狗。 3. Please look at the picture. What are Andrea and her family doing? A. They are practicing acupuncture. B. They are doing a jigsaw puzzle. C. Andrea and her family are taking each others temperature. D. Andrea and her family are making some delectable desserts. Answer: B 【解題關鍵】 What is/are someone doing?是某人正在做~之意。 從圖片可看到全家正在玩拼圖,They are doing a jigsaw puzzle.。 【重要字彙】 acupuncture:(n.) 針灸、針灸療法,例如: Acupuncture is unique in Chinese medicine. 針灸是中醫獨有。 delectable desserts:(n.) 美味可口的點心 【重要片語】 take ones temperature: 測量體溫,例如: Wait here. The nurse will take your temperature.在這裡等。護士會來幫你量體溫。 4. What kind of jacket is the man probably wearing? A. The man is wearing in winter jacket. B. He is probably wearing a lightweight jacket. C. The man is wearing a suit jacket. D. He is wearing a rain jacket. Answer: B 【解題關鍵】 「What kind of ~?」問句是在詢問種類。jacket(n.) 夾克,wear(v.) 穿戴。由圖片可看出他是穿的是輕便夾克,lightweight jacket。lightweight(adj.) 比平均重量還要輕的,例如: lightweight vehicles 輕量等級的交通工具。 【重要字彙】 suit jacket:(n.) 西裝


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