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22 4 V o l. 22 N o. 4 2009 8 W o rld Forestry R esearch Aug2009 * 1 2 1 刘建立 程丽莉 余新晓 ( 1, , 100083; 2 , 100093 : 参阅近年来国内外研究结果, 揭示了乔木蒸腾耗水的内 调节机制(根系吸水水分传输通道的输水冠 层叶片的水汽蒸腾扩散 和外部影响因素(微气象因子土壤因子边界层导度 ; 对研究乔木水分利用的研究 尺度( 叶片水平单株水平林分水平和区域水平 进行了详细综述认为热技术法是当前测定乔木蒸腾耗水 比较理想的方法, 并 此基础上对未来的研究方向做了展望 : 乔木蒸腾耗水, 水分利用, 研究尺度, 热技术法 : S 718. 43 : A : 100 1- 4241( 2009 04 - 0034 - 07 Inf luencing Fa cto rs of W ater Consum p tion from T ree T ransp iration 1 2 1 L iu Jian li Cheng L ili Yu X inx iao ( 1 K ey L aboratory of So il andW a ter Conserva tion D esertif ication Com bating of M in istry o f Education, Be ijing F orestry U niversity, Be ijing 100083, Ch ina; 2 Institute o f F orestry and P om o logy, Be ij ing A cadem y of A g ricu ltura l and Forestry Sc iences, Beijing 100093, Ch ina Abs tract: A cco rd ing to dom estic and foreign research on tree transp iration, interna l adju stm entm ech an ism o f tree transp irat ion ( roo t, w ater channe l and canopy of leaves and exterior factors (m icrocli m ate facto rs, so il factors, etc. w ere shown. T he sca le o f study ing tree s w ater use ( leaf level, in d ividua l leve,l fo rest and reg iona l leve l w as rev iew ed in deta il. A t last, it w as concluded that the therm a l d issipation probe w as rather a perfect m ethod to study tree transpiration and the research di rection o f tree transp iration w as put forw ard. K ey w ord s: tree, w ater consum pti


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