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33 2 Vol.33 No.2 20 1 0 3 J OURNA L OF AGRICULT URAL UNIVERSIT Y OF H EBEI     Mar .20 10 :1000-1573(2010)02-0046-06 ———以河北省卢龙县为例 林常春,  李新旺,  许 皞,  张路路,  张俊梅 ① ( , 071001) :。 、, , 、、 “” , 。 2 :“” 1 326.33 m , , , , , 。   :;;“”; :F 301.21 :A Research on calculation for rural residental area consolidation potentiality ———A case study Lulong county of Hebei province LIN Chang-chun, LI Xin-wang, XU Hao, ZHANG Lu-lu, ZHANG Jun-mei (College of Resources and Environment, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001, C ina) Abstract:By analyzing and summarizing previous calculation met ods,combining suc factors as natural conditions, economic development and land use planning,t is paper proposes “differ- ent model-different met od”approac to calculate t e rural residental area consolidation poten- tiality in lig t of an empirical researc in Lulong county.T e results s ow ed t at t e rural res- 2 idental area consolidation potentiality in Lulong w as 1 326.33 m .Compared w it ot er calcu- lation met ods, t e “different model-different met od”approac w as more scientific and rational in t at it integrated t e different potential calculation met ods effectively, combined t e advan- tages of different met ods,and provided t e basis for making t e land use plan and determining land consolidation project. Key words:rural res


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