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* 促进未来创新 2011年3月,陶氏化学宣布已发明并研制出聚合型阻燃剂: 高分子量 阻燃剂的下一代行业标准 用于全球挤塑聚苯乙烯(XPS)和膨胀聚苯乙烯(EPS)泡沫保温领域 陶氏本着不断追求更可持续型产品的宗旨,成功开发出这一新型聚合型阻燃剂,可取代六溴环十二烷(HBCD)阻燃剂 下一代聚合型阻燃剂技术 聚合型阻燃剂将由从陶氏全球技术公司取得许可的多方机构生产及营销 陶氏将第一项技术许可授予科聚亚(Chemtura)公司旗下的业务部-- 大湖解决方案 2011年在 北美上市 可再生 能源 POWERHOUSETM太阳能屋面瓦 革命性的一体化设计 将屋面保护及发电装置整合起来 与传统屋面相比降低50%的安装成本 通过电器连接简化布线 与单晶硅太阳电池相比使用高效率吸光材料(CIGS)的太阳电池 一流的品牌及技术 产品线很好地定位于领导地位 在美国,被《时代》杂志评为“2009年50佳最好的发明” 2010年获得环球创建奖 -“新兴科技最优环境”奖 由渠道推向市场的优势 使用现有的陶氏渠道来推向市场 建筑商和屋顶建造商可从太阳能行业获益 规模化生产的能力 财政支持建厂并鼓励增长 美国政府拨款1亿4千万美元补助金来加速规模化生产 陶氏POWERHOUSE?太阳能屋面瓦 * * 作为推动可持续发展的领导者,我们与众多客户、供应商、社区、民间团体及政府机构积极合作 致力于建筑市场的可持续发展 创新并开发出新的解决方案来满足我们客户的需求 上海陶氏中心: 可持续发展的合作伙伴 * 我们携手… 共筑 可持续发展的 未来! * In 2010, Dow’s comprehensive efficiency efforts resulted in additional, cumulative energy intensity and bottom line cost savings, despite continued fluctuation in energy prices. It has prevented approximately 90 million metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere–a clear demonstration of the power of energy efficiency. Through the end of 2010, savings due to improved energy intensity now exceed $9.4 billion on less than $2 billion investment. * * What means net zero home? A new home that generates more energy than it consumes, that costs virtually nothing to heat and cool and that emits almost no greenhouse gases. Cobblestone Homes has teamed up with the Dow Chemical company and several other suppliers, to build a net zero energy home. This state-of-the-art home incorporates innovative and energy efficient technologies for both today and tomorrow. These technologies range from advanced insulation practices to solar generation. Energy efficient materials alone can reduce a buildings total energy consumption by as much as fifty percent. Next, we tapped in to the natural temperature of the earth, also known as geothermal energy, to help us reduce the amount of energy needed to heat or cool the home. In some homes this reduction can be as much as seventy percent. Finally, we added solar energy g


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