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北京泰富酒店 Tylfull Hotel 北京泰富酒店是一家全智能、环保理念领先的奢华酒店,坐落于素有燕京八景之 一的蓟门桥,毗邻享有中国硅谷之称的中关村,与众多的高等学府咫尺之遥。酒 店设计时尚简约,设施完备,交通便捷,服务卓越,将是商旅客人下榻首选。 Beijing Tylfull Hotel located in Jimenqiao, one of the eight great sights of Yanjing, adjoined to zhongguancun, the Silicon Valley in China, and the institutions of higher education, is a luxury hotel equipped with the most updated environment-friendly artificial intelligence devices. The hotel, fashionable with simple outlook, fully equipped from the customers’ requirements, is among the top of the hotel list for business and tour guests with the best service and traffic. 酒店共有客房226 间,每间房均独立宽敞,通透明亮,舒适宜人。房间还配备完 美画面的液晶电视,多媒体数字化音视频,高速的无线网络,全智能双向控制, 充分享受现代化科技带给您的操控乐趣。 The Guest Rooms of the hotel totals up to 226, each detached but spacious, with the best access to light, ensuring the private room of guests with comfortability. All rooms are installed with the high-teach LCDTV and multi-media digital video equipment, high-speed WIFI, all two-way controllable, guarantying the guests fully access to the modern technology for fun. 泰富宴会厅位于酒店的三层,600 平米能够同时容纳528 人的会议和宴会。配备 先进的音响,视听设备,宽带无线上网,无线麦克风和高流明的投影仪。具备专 业的会议服务团队及婚礼策划团队,为您提供管家式的宴会服务。同时拥有董事 会议室,贵宾休息室及多个面积不等的多功能厅,为各种商务需求提供场地服务。 泰富宴会厅采用无柱式设计,厅内用活动隔板将整厅分割为两个大小相同的半厅, 拥有宴会会议等多功能作用。泰富厅门口还拥有350 平米的前厅,便于会议或宴 会开始前的集聚,中场休息和结束后的疏导。 Tylfull Banguet Hall is both for conferences and banquets, located on the third floor with 600 ㎡ for 528 guests, equipped with the most advanced acoustics, sound and video devices, PPPoe Wi-Fi, wireless microphones, high luman output projectors and professional service for meetings and wedding planning and banquets of butler-like style. What’s more, the hall has detached rooms for board meetings, honored-guests lounges and 4 multifunctional halls of different size, gratifying the demands of various business in meeting places and services. Tylfull Banguet Hall is column-free and can be flexibly divided into two iden



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