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圖書商品存貨模式之研究-以暢銷書為例 陳明達 莊玉姝 賴俊裕 謝文評 柳永青 國立雲林科技大學工業工程與管理研究所 中文摘要 科學技術的進步,帶動了網絡書店的蓬勃發展,網路的便利性也讓當前傳統書店的經營及 獲利空間壓縮了許多。一般在傳統書店中,圖書產品的存貨資金積壓可說是最主要的成本之一; 經營成本的降低相對地也代表著獲利的增加。於是乎探討如何在不損失商機的前提下,降低產品 的存貨,尤其是以傳統模式經營的企業來說,可說是一項很重要的課題。 本研究之目的主要在探討書店中圖書產品的存貨模式,擬將以數學方式推導出一套適合圖 書產品的存貨管理模式;並配合程式的撰寫,搜尋在最低存貨成本下,決定最佳的訂購點及訂購 量;最後再以數值之範例與傳統存貨模式 Silver-Meal Method做一探討以及比較。 關鍵字:圖書商品、訂購點、訂購量、存貨成本、Silver-Meal Method ABSTRACT With the advancement of technology and the convenience of Internet, online bookstores are developed prosperously and traditional bookstores, at the same time, face the problem of sharp profit-reduction. For traditional bookstores, one of the main costs is the capital accumulated for stocking book merchandises. If the operating cost decreased, the profit, on the other hand, would increase. Therefore, studying how to reduce the stocks on the premise of not losing business opportunities is an important issue, especially for the business operated in traditional mode. The main purpose of this research is to study the stock mode applied in bookstores. An appropriate managerial mode, which can be applied in stocking book merchandises, would be calculated mathematically. In addition, a program would be written to decide the best reorder point and order quantity with the lowest stock cost. Finally, some numerical value would be used as samples to examine the comparison between the calculated mode and the traditional stock mode, Silver-Meal Method. keywords :book merchandises 、reorder point 、order quantity 、stock cost 、Silver-Meal Method 一 、緒論 量;且書店空間有限,若擺放過多的銷售量不 1.1 動機與目的 佳,欲退貨之圖書,勢必造成存貨成本增加及 圖書的種類繁多,加上圖書多樣少量的特 機會成本的損失。 性,使得圖書的存貨管理顯得格外重要。85 近年來,許多書店導入電子資料交換及銷 年台灣圖書退貨率高達 30% ,圖書退貨率偏高


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