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22 卷第 3 期 资  源  科  学 Vol. 22 ,No. 3 2000 年 5 月 RESOURCES SCIENCE May ,2000 土地利用总体规划的理论体系研究 安萍莉  张凤荣 ( 中国农业大学土地资源系 ,北京  100094)   摘  要 :从哲学观、条件论、过程论 3 个方面构建了土地利用总体规划的理论体系。其中哲学观是理 论的灵魂 ,是条件论和过程论围绕的核心 ;条件论是土地利用总体规划的时代要求 ;而过程论是人类控制 土地利用的具体理论 ,是哲学观与条件论在土地利用总体规划实践中的具体体现。 关  键  词 :土地利用总体规划 ;哲学观 ;条件论 ;过程论 ( ) 中图分类号: F3012   文献标识码 :A   文章编号 :1007 - 7588 2000 03 - 0029 - 05 STUDY ON THE THEORETICAL SYSTEM FOR GENERAL LAND USE PLANNING AN Pingli  ZHAN G Fengrong ( ) Dept . of L and Resources Science , China A gricult ural U niversity , Beijin g 100094, China Abstract :Lack of perfect theoretical system is the key issue which has hindered implementation of the General Land Use Planning ( GLUP) since it was brought into practice. The urgent task is to build the perfect theoretical system for GLUP. The framework of the system for GLUP is conceived and built from the philosophical idea ,the conditional theory and the process theory ,which constitute the theoreti cal system for GLUP. The philosophical idea stands upon the highest levels ,and is the core of the whole theoretical system. The system idea and the coordination idea are discussed as the components of the GLUP philosophical idea in the paper. The conditional theory is the precondition for making the system coordinated ,and the theme GLUP is to protect the farmland steadily and promote u


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