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DOI :10.13959/j.issn.1003 -2398.2002.05.010 17  5     Vol.17, No.5    2002 10              HUMAN GEOGRAPHY               Oct.2002  :1003—2398 (2002)05—0041—04 [1, 2] [1, 2] , (1.,  100101;2.,  510405) STUDY ON URBAN GREENLAND SPACE-TIME EVOLUTION AND ITSDISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERN QIAN Qing-lan, CHEN Ying-biao (1.Institu te of Geog rap h ic S ciences and Na tural R esource Research, C .A .S , Beij ing 100101, Ch ina; 2.Dep ar tment of Geog rap hy , Guangz hou Un iversity , Guangz hou 510405, Ch ina ) Abstract:From the view oint of grand region, combining w ith scientific research ractice and taking Jilin City as an exam le, the urban Greenland S ace-time evolution, Greenland s atial distributional attern and urban Greenland distributional olicy are discussed.According to this w e can rovide sci- entific basis for urban ecological construction.This a er is divided into three arts: The first art mainly discussed the relationshi between urban Greenland evolution and urban de- velo ment.It oints out that the facilities of Greenland increases w hile the natural degree reduces w ith the urban develo ment unusually accom anying the urban o ulation increasing .Greenland reconser- vation, according to s ecific law, is very im ortant for us in order to im rove the urban ecological qual- ity and to revent the Greenland from ruin. The second art, taken Jilin City as exam le, it sums u Greenland s ace distributional attern based on t


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