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23 9 2006 9 : 1006- 9348( 2006) 09- 0236- 04 Web3D 1 1 2 张涛,姚俊峰 ,杨献勇 ( 1. , 361005; 2. , 100084) : , 2D, W eb3D , Internet, , , , : ; ; ; :TP391. 9 : B Exhibition and Sale System ofVirtualGymnasium Based onWeb3D 1 1 2 ZHA G Tao, YAO JU - feng, YA G XIA - yong ( 1. School of Sofwt are, X iamen University, X iamen Fujian 361005, China; 2. Department ofThermalEngineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) ABSTRACT: Traditional exhibition system based on V irtualReality has the disadvantage of low - level profit, and traditional2D sale system also has the disadvantage of low - level actuality and interaction. This paper designs the ex hibition and sale system ami ed at former disadvantages. The system based onW eb3D technique designs its own scene framework, real tmi e display technique and interact salemodule, and mi proves traditional display technique to satisfy practicality. U sers can use Internet to brow se gymnasium, be fam iliar w ith establishment in advance, and interact with the system to buy tickets. The system realizes the process of brow se, choose, purchase, has goodman- machine interaction, conquers the disadvantage of traditionalmethod, and providesmore efficient channels bewt een users and merchants. KEYW RDS:V irtual reality; Gymnasium; 3D - modeling; Interaction 1 , ; , , , , ,



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