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29 2 Vol. 29, No . 2 2008 6 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T echnolo y June 2008 : 1008- 1542( 2008) 02-0152- 06 Web CA PP M ES 张永弟, 岳彦芳, 陈曹维, 杨 光, 常宏杰 ( 河北科技大学机械电子工程学院, 河北石家庄 050018) : 采用ASP. Net 技术, 开发了基于浏览器/ 服务器三层 络体系结构的CA PP 与M ES 信息 集成化管理系统, 并详细介绍了系统的体系结构功能及特点实际应用表明, 该系统实现了制造 信息在企业内不同部门间的信息集成和共享, 是一个功能比较完善的产品制造信息管理系统 : Web; CAPP; MES; 集成化管理系统; 浏览器/ 服务器模式 : T H 166 : A Web-based CAPP and M ES inte rated information mana ement system ZHANG Yon -di, YUE Yan-fan , CHEN Cao-w ei, YANG Guan , CHANG H on -jie ( Colle e of Mechanical and Electronic En ineerin , Hebei University of Science and T echnolo y, Shijiazhuan Hebei 050018, China) Abstract : By usin ASP . Net technolo y, a CAPP and MES int e rat ed informat ion mana ement system based on the brow ser/ server( B/ S) three-layer netw ork structure is developed. The structure, functions and characterist ics of the system are intro- duced. It proves in the practical application that manufacturin information is inte rated and shared betw een departments in an enterprise, and it is a better manufacturin information mana ement system. Key words: Web; CAPP; MES; inte rated mana ement sy stem; brow ser/ server , , , , , , , , , , , , , CAD( computer aided desi n, ) CA PP( computer aided process plannin , ) ERP( enterprise resource plannin , ) MES( manufacturin ex ecution system, ) , CAD, CAPP, ERP, MES , , : 2007- 10- 19; : 2008- 01-05; : : ( 0621204D) ; () : ( 1976- ) , , , , , , 2 W eb CAPP MES 153 1 MES CAPP CAPP , , CAPP , , , , , CAPP , , , CAPP , , , CAD/ CA PP/ ERP/ M ES/ DCS



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