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學校圖書館的就業狀況 Careers in School Libraries Ms Angel Leung Yuet Ha 梁月霞 Vice-President, Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association 香港學校圖書館主任協會副會長 Teacher Librarian, Five Districts Business Welfare Association School 五邑工商總會學校圖書館主任 “A teacher librarian is a teacher as well as a librarian. (James Henri, 2000)”學校圖書館主任既是老師也是學校圖書館館長,其英文職銜最能反映其工作性質 Basic Requirement 入職資歷 At least 2 years post qualification teaching experience, familiarized with the curriculum and schooling. 持有合格教師證書,兩年以上教學經驗 Competitive Qualification 較優資歷 Diploma of teacher librarianship (funded by EDB) or 持有學校圖書館主任文憑或更高專業培訓學歷 Implicit qualification 潛藏資歷 Committed to serve teachers and students preferable 願意服務老師及學生者較適合 Roles Manage the resources in the school library Responsible for the expertise of library skills which include IT skills Prepare before hand from the collection the information or bibliographies of books relevant to the topic and reading level of classroom learning Set the learning targets of information skills for all levels to be taught to teachers and students during CPT lessons so that these skill are not isolated from the curriculum Through CPT with the subject teachers, understand the the curriculum need, provide the information of the various resources that support teaching and learning to facilitate Resource Based Learning Cater for individual difference Help individual students to solve learning difficulties Assess the students’ learning performances Assess the effectiveness of the learning information, resources and activities for the collection development, provides consultation experiences and resources for teachers teaching the same topic to facilitate co-planning among teachers 管理學校圖書館資源 掌握圖書技巧(包括資訊科技)的專業 知識 預先準備館藏中設合課題、設合學生 閱讀程度及活動所需的書目或資料 爲各級訂定資訊技巧學習目標(見附 件及通識課程指引),於協作教學 中爲老師及學生提供訓練,使資訊 技巧的學習不致脫離學科 透過與科任老師協作教學,瞭解課程 的需要,主動向老師及學生提供多 元化的、支持學與教的館藏資料, 促成資源爲本學習 照顧學習差異 個別指導學生,幫助學生解決學習上 的難題 評估學生的學習表現 評估學習資訊、資源及學習活動的



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