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* 八下 Module 4中考必考词汇、句型讲解 pleased astronaut discover bush frightend receive refuse wonder creature spread post apology relax excuse wide satisfy prepare while past present in fear because of keep quiet disagree with as soon as possible wake up at midnight mention sth. to sb. next to/close to in space in the present in the shape of prepare for at the front in a second mix…with… on the Internet be connected to make electricity fail to do sth. 1.Tina woke up because of a loud noise. (1) wake—woke—woken v. 叫醒; 唤醒 I usually wake up at 6 in the morning. 我通常上午6点醒来。 (2) wake sb. up 把……唤醒 His mother woke him up two hours ago. 他的妈妈两个小时前把他唤醒。 【同根词】awakeadj.清醒的 He stayed awake at midnight.子夜他还没睡。 (3) because of sth. The spaceship was damaged because of a crash.因为碰撞,所以宇宙飞船受损。 (4)becauseconj. We had to stay at home because it rained heavily. 因为天下雨,我们不得不待在家。 2. They heard some voices speaking a strange language. (1) hear sb. doing 听见某人正在做某事 I heard him singing last night.昨晚我听见他唱歌。 (2) hear sb. do 经常听见某人做某事 I often hear him reading English aloud in the morning.我经常听见他晨读英语。 (3) hear that…听说…… I hear that he comes from Japan. 我听说他来自日本。 (4) hear from sb. = get/receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信. I heard from my brother last Monday. 上星期一我收到我哥哥的来信。 3. Since no one else saw these aliens, I refused to believe you. (1) since conj.既然 Since everyone is here, we will have a meeting. 既然大家到齐了,我们开会吧。 (2) since conj. prep.自从……到现在 —How long have you worked here? —Since 2001. —你在这工作多久了? —从2001年至今。 He has lived here since he left New York. 自从他离开纽约,他一直住在这里。 (3) refuse to do: not agree to do 拒绝做某事 He refused to leave his home.他拒绝离开他的 (4) refuse sth.: not accept sth.拒绝某物 He refused the job.他拒绝这份工作。 4.Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for each house. (1) hold—held—held=havev.举行 Sports meet is held in our school every year. 我们学校每年都举行运动会。 (2) v.容纳 The hall is big enough to hold 200 people. 这个厅足够大可以容纳200人。 (3) be used for…被用来做…



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