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福建农业学报 14( 3) : 32 ~37, 1999 : 1008- 0384( 1999) 03- 0032- 06 Fuj ian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 傅瑞树 ( , 365000) : , 13 11 1635 , , 10 ; ( ) , 015 , 010 , 36 ; , , 75% , 50% ; , 70% , , : ; ; ; : S 682. 360. 22 : A Introduct ion and research on indoor foliage plant FU Rui-shu (Sanming Institute of Foresty Science, Fuj ianSanming365000) Abst ract : Ecologic ch r cteristic nd prop g tion techniques of 13 species of Ar ce e nd 11 species of Ag v ce e w ere studied. The most preferendum for growth w s betw een 16- 35 . Grow th w ould st gn t e below 10 . The temper t ure of cold injury w s bout 0 t o 15 , While hot in- jury would ppe r w hen temper t ure got t o 36 . These indic tors w ere v ried in different species, nd the gre test difference w s the temper ture of cold injury. Grow th w ould be poor in summ er , . 70 under full illumin tion w hile p rt sh ding w s benefici l The best condition w s percent ge of sh ding for Ar ce e nd 50 percent ge of sh ding for Ag v ce e. T he need for soil moisture w s strict. Most of species w ould grow norm lly in 65 to 85 percent ge of soil moisture. The ch r cters , responsed to illumin tion t emper ture nd soil moisture w ere consistent with their origin l ecolog- ic environment. Besides, t he methods of culture nd prop g tion w ere lso discribed. Key w ords: Ar ce e ; Ag v ce e; Ecologic ch r cters; Prop g t ion , , , , , , [ 1] , , : 1998- 08- 21; 1999- 06- 03 : ( 1957


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