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岩溶区典型乔木树干液流特征及其与环境因子的关系 黄芬,方培结,梁毅,熊文斌 陆面上的降雨量被划分为两股主要的分支:“蓝”水(地表径流和地下径流) 和“绿”水(蒸发水或水蒸气)。“蓝”水和“绿”水存在两个水流分割点,第一 个分割点将降雨分成地表径流和下渗,第二个分割点将下渗的土壤水分成土壤蒸 发、植被蒸腾和地下水补给。蒸发和蒸腾构成“绿”水,地表径流和地下水补给 形成“蓝”水。“绿”水维持所有植物的生长,“蓝”水维持所有生物的生存以及 人类的用水。如何在维持植物正常生长的同时最大程度的增加“蓝”水量对解决 岩溶地区干旱问题至关重要。本研究从植被蒸腾耗水入手,利用热消散技术,高 分辨率的监测了岩溶区典型乔木树干液流特征,并分析其与环境因子的关系。结 果表明:树干夜间仍存在液流,分别在3:00-6:00 达到最低,11:00-15:00 最高, 2 达到30.5 g/hr·cm ,变化呈双峰型,夜间23:00-1:00 有一次增高趋势。液流量与 大气温度、风速、太阳有效辐射存在显著正相关关系,与大气湿度显著负相关, 而与大气压无明显相关。该方法的建立也为石漠化治理中物种优劣的评价提供了 新的途径。 The characteristics of typical tree sap flow and its relationship with environment factors in karst terrain Huang Fen, Fang Peijie, Liang yi, Xiong Wenbin Rainfall over land is partitioned into two major flow branches: the blue branch of surface and sub-surface runoff and the green branch of evaporation or vapour flow. The two branches have two water partitioning points. At the first partitioning point rainfall is divided into surface runoff and infiltration. At the second partitioning point soil moisture is divided into evaporation from soil, transpiration from plants, and groundwater recharge. Evaporation and transpiration together constitute the green flow branch. Surface runoff and groundwater recharge together constitute the blue flow branch. Green water sustains all biomass growth, and blue water flows sustain life and human water use. It is vital to solve the problem of water shortages in karst area how to balance normal biomass growth and greatest utilization of blue water. Using thermal dissipation probe technology, high-resolution monitoring to the characteristics of typical tree sap flow and its relationship with environment factors in karst terrain are held in this study. The results propose that the sap flow velocity in nighttime always fluctuated above zero. The daily variation of sap flow demonstrated a typical double-p



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