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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3.3 Function Queue Scheduling模型 void interrupt HandleDeviceA(void) { !! Take care of Device A QueueAppend(functionsQueue, FunctionA); } void interrupt HandleDeviceB(void) { !! Take care of Device B QueueAppend(functionsQueue, FunctionB); } void FunctionA(void) { !! Handle actions required by device A } void FunctionB(void) { !! Handle actions required by device B } Queue functionsQueue; void main(void) { while(TRUE) { while(QueueHasItems(functionsQueue)) !! Call first function on queue !! Remove the function from queue } } 3.3 Function Queue Scheduling模型 【优点】 main函数可以按照任何优先级策略来调用队列中的函数; 高优先级的功能能得到更多的CPU资源; 回想一下round robin with interrupts,每一轮main循环,高优先级的功能只能得到一次执行机会; 与此相对,低优先级的功能将获得更少的CPU资源,甚至有可能饿死。 3.3 Function Queue Scheduling模型 【缺点】 不能抢占。如果某个低优先级的功能执行时间很长的话,一旦这个功能被执行,高优先级的功能就需要等待很长时间才能执行; 编程复杂。 Function queue的简单演示 函数指针演示 Function queue简单演示 函数指针演示 typedef int (*func) (int, int); int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } int decrease(int a, int b) { return a-b; } 函数指针演示 01 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 02 { 03 func f[2]; 04 f[0] = add; 05 f[1] = decrease; 06 int c1 = f[0](1,2); 07 printf(1+2=%d\n, c1); 08 int c2 = f[1](1,2); 09 printf(1-2=%d\n, c2); 10 return 1; 11 } Function Queue简单演示 01 #include vector 02 #include iostream 03 using namespace std; 04 typedef int (*func) (int, int); 05 typedef struct CommandTag 06 { 07 func function; 08 int parameter1; 09 int parameter2; 10 }Command; Function Queue简单演示 01 void functionQueueSimpleDemo() 02 { 03 vectorCommand commands; 04 while(1) 05 { 06 Command com; 07 char comType; 08 cout Input command and parameters. endl Command a means add, d means decrease, “ endl e means break the input loop and execure all commands input. endl; 09 cin comType com.parameter1 com.parameter2; 10 if (comType == e) 11 break;


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