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# 130# 2009 6 17 3 Chin J Intervent Cardiol, June 2009, Vo l 17, No1 3 # # 周菁 丁燕生 杨俊娟 盛琴慧 李康 王禹川 = () 46, , 4(CARTO) 50 60 e 46, , 1 41, 39( 27, 12), 2, 89% , = , ; ; do:i 1013969/ j1 issn11004-88121 20091 031 003 R ad iofrequency cath eter ab lation of atrial tachycard ia in ch ildren w ithout structu ra l heart d isease ZHOU Jing, DING Yansheng, YANG Junjuan, et al1 Department of Cardiology, eking University F irst H osp ital, B eijing 100034, China Emai:l zhoujing 123@ gmail. com = A bstract O bj ective To investigate electrophysiolog ic characteristics, the original site of atrial tachycard ia (AT) and the results of radiofrequency catheter ab lation ( RFCA) in childrenw ithout structural heart disease1 M ethod s Electrophysiologic study and RFCA were perform ed in 46 children w ith AT1 The site of origin of AT w asm apped by using activation m apping during tachycard ia1 M agnetic electroanatom ical m apping ( CARTO system) for ablation of atrial tachycard ia w as perform ed in 4 patients1 Preselecting a tem perature of 50 60 e was selected for ab lation1 Re su lts Electrophysiologic study verified that the m echan ism of all the tachycardias in 46 ch ildrenwas focalAT, wh ich m ight be short paroxysm al, paroxysm al or persistent1 1 ch ild also had atrioventricu lar nodal reentrant tachycard ia1 ATswere successfu lly ab lated in 41 children ( 89% ), in wh ich 39 had one original site ( 27 foci in right atrium and 12 foci in left atrium) , 2 had at least two original sites1 Con clusion The success rate of RFCA in ATs of ch ildren w ithout structural heart d iseasew as relatively h igh1 A trial taclycard ia could be elmi inated by rad iofrequency current w ith


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