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积载stow 卸载discharge 海牙时间Hague Period 整箱货Full container load(FCL) 背书indorsement 节省的全部时间all time saved 船级working time saved 租期charter period 交船delivery of vessel 还船re-deliver of vessel 货物选择权option of cargo 满载货物full and complete cargo 受载日laydays date 节约日cancelling date 卸船重量deliverde quantity 许可装卸时间lay tine (lay days) 连续日(或时)running or consecutive days/hours 损害damage 灭失loss 外来风险extraneous risks 全损total loss 实际全损actual total lose 推定全损constructive total loss 部分损失partial loss 单独海损particular average 共同海损general average 平安险free from particular average (FPA) 水渍险with particular average (Wa or WPA) 一切险all risks 仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause 转装费transfer charge 海运运费ocean freight 船方不负担装货费free in (F.I.) 船方不负担卸货费free out (F.O.) 船方不负担装卸费free in and out (F.I.O.) 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费free in and out,stowed,trimmed (F.I.O.S.T) 装船费loading charges 议价open rate 速遣费despatch money 滞期费demurrage 预付运费freight prepaid 到付运费freight at destination(freight to be collected) 运价表freight tariff 基本运费率basic rate 班轮运价liner freight 附加费surcharges 超重附加费heavy lift additional 超长附加费long length additional 燃油附加费bunker surcharge or bunker adjustment factor 直航附加费direct additional 转船附加费stranshipment surcharge 港口附加费port surcharge 装箱单packing list 重量单weight memo 信用证letter of credit 销售合同sales contract 销货确认书sales confirmation 汇票bill of exchange or draft 订舱单booking note 装货单shipping order 收货单(大副收据)mate’s receipt 过期提单stale B/L 舱面提单on deck B/L 预借提单advanced B/L 倒签提单anti-dated B/L 标准定期租船合同uniform time charter (BALTIME) 提单bill of lading(B/L) 已装船提单shipped(or on board)bill of lading 备运提单received for shipment bill of lading 清洁提单clean B/L 不清洁提单unclean or foul B/L 直达提单direct B/L 转船提单transhipment B/L 联运提单through B/L 联合运输提单combined transport B/L 记名提单straight B/L 指示提单order B/L 班轮提单liner B/L 租船提单charter Party B/L 全式提单long form B/L 立即装运 immediate shipment 即期装运 prompt shipment 尽速装运 shipment as soon as possible 允许装运 transshipment allowed 禁止转船 transshipment prohibited 允许分批 partial shipment allowed 禁止分运 partial shipment prohibited 干货集装箱 dry contai



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