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目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1卡罗拉的由来 1
1.2罗拉市场调研 2
1.2.1优点 2
1.2.2缺点 2
第2章 丰田卡罗拉营销策略 4
2.1产品策略:与时俱进的卡罗拉 4
2.2品牌策略:没有特点就是最大的特点 5
2.3市场策略:销售的丰田 6
第3章 丰田卡罗拉营销策略优势分析 8
3.1一汽丰田灵活应变,标杆车型逐鹿1.6L 8
3.2卡罗拉重拳再出击,1.8L升级优势更明显 9
3.3中国车市需要“审时度势” 10
3.4由“花冠”到“卡罗拉” 11
3.5五米印象 11
3.6更先进的动力表现 12
结 论 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 16
摘 要
COROLLA花冠第一代诞生于1996年,在此后的38年间,COROLLA花冠行销世界140多个国家和地区,始终不忘回应并超越于时代要求,在21世纪的今日继续引领轿车潮流。其3600万辆的全球第一累计销售量足以证明,COROLLA花冠已成为广大消费者青睐和支持的名副其实的全球化标准轿车。俗话说,打江山容易守江山难。在强手如林、重兵密布的小型高端车市场,以卡罗拉为主力车型的一汽丰田如何守住已经打下的一片天地呢?虽然卡罗拉已经赢得了消费者良好的市场口碑,但“树欲静而风不止”,对手都把卡罗拉作为市场天敌来夹击,对卡罗拉形成上打下压、贴身包围之势,通过各种手段抢夺卡罗拉的市场份额。足球界有句至理名言:进攻是最好的防守。因此,一汽丰田绝不会固守着自己的一亩三分地,被竞争对手牵着鼻子走,而是会选择主动出击,而这种出击将主要表现在营销策略上。卡罗拉又实施了一系列的市场营销活动:五星级碰撞测试、节油大赛、博客征文、DV秀比赛等等,很快就将卡罗拉的终端市场推向了高潮。COROLLA Corolla first generation born in 1966. Over the next 38 years,COROLLA Corolla sales in more than 140 countries and regions, and always forget to respond to and exceed the requirements of the times, in the 21st century, the trend of today continues to lead the car.Its 36 million worldwide cumulative sales of the first proof, COROLLA Corolla has become a widely supported by consumers and the global standard for real cars.As the saying goes, seized political power, easy to difficult to keep rivers and mountains. In the multitude of strong, heavily clouds of small high-end car market, the Corolla for the main models of FAW Toyota how could it have been laid in place in the world? While the Corolla has won a consumer good market reputation, but wants to remain quiet while the wind blows the tree, Corolla opponents regarded as enemies to attack the market, to lay pressure on the formation of the Corolla, personal surrounded by the potential, through a variety of Corolla means to snatch market share. There is wisdom in football: Offense is the best defense. Therefore, FAW Toyota will not stick to their own one-third of an acre of land, led by the nose by competitors, but will choose to take the initiative, and this attack will be m