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Page PAGE 16 of NUMPAGES 16 PreQualification Form For Suppliers / Contractors 供应商调查表 Particulars of the Firm 企业概况 Name of the Firm公司全称 : Registered Address注册地址 : Mailing Address邮寄地址 : (If different from 2) Telephone No.电话 : Fax No.传真 : Web-site Address公司网址 : E-mail Address 电子邮件 : Type of Company公司性质 : Public/Private/ Partnership/ Sole Proprietor/Joint Venture/Others (Please specify)国营/私营/股份制/独资/合资/其他(请列出) Country of Incorporation国家 : Registration No.营业执照号 : Date of Registration/Incorporation注册日期 : NB : To attach a copy of the latest Business Instant Information from Registry of Companies请附上最近的公司登记情况表 Registration with Professional, Trade or Quality Control Organisation, board and/or Association etc. 在有关专业团体,贸易机构和质量控制机构的登记证书 : (Please attach a copy of the certificate of registration请附上营业执照附本) Other Affiliations, Subsidiaries or Joint Venture (with indication of % owned)其他从属关系或合资关系(请用%指出) PARTICULARS OF HEAD QUARTERS (if any) 总公司概况(如有) Name of the Firm公司全称 : Registered Address注册地址 : Telephone No.电话 : Fax No.传真 : Web-site Address公司网址 : Type of Company经济性质 : Country of Incorporation国家 : Financial Capacity 财务概况 Name of Bank and Address银行全称和地址 : Credits Facilities / Overdrafts信用设备/透支款项 : Financial Standing of the Last 3 Financial Years:过去三年里财务状况 Year 20__ Year 20__ Year 20__ Authorized Capital 注册资金 Paid up Capital 已缴资金 Net Worth 净值 Turnover 交易额 Net Profit / Loss after Tax 除税后净利/损 Current Assets 流动资金 Current Liabilities 流动债务 NB : To attach complete annual reports with corresponding Statements of Profit and Loss Account certified by accountants and a certified copy of the audited Balance Sheet for the last 3 years. 请会计员附上过去3年完整的相应年度亏赢报告和审计对比报告。 Particulars of Partners / Proprietor / Directors as at date of this application 合伙人/股东/主席人员名单 Name名字 Designation职位 Qualification资历 Employment History雇佣记录 Other Directorships其他管理者职位 To indicate whether any of the above Partners/ Proprietors/ Directors related to the Directors/ Key management of Th


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