CentOS 6.6 64bit 安装getmail收取163邮件(外国英语资料).doc

CentOS 6.6 64bit 安装getmail收取163邮件(外国英语资料).doc

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CentOS 6.6 64bit 安装getmail收取163邮件(外国英语资料)

CentOS 6.6 64bit 安装getmail收取163邮件(国外英文资料) # CentOS 6.6 64bit default yum source has no getmail RPM package # first install EPEL yum source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux: /wiki/EPEL / root @ localhost ~ # RPM - Uvh /rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el7.rf.x86_64.rpm # installation getmail [root @localhost ~] # yum - y install getmail # create test users (root cannot use getmail, using The Times fault) [root @localhost ~] # useradd getmailtest [root @localhost ~] # echo 123456 | passwd - stdin getmailtest Change the password for the user getmailtest. Passwd: all the authentication tokens have been updated successfully. # su logs in to the test user [root @localhost ~] # su getmailtest # create configuration files, log files [getmailtest @localhost root] $mkdir ~ /.getmail [getmailtest @localhost root] $touch ~ /.getmail/log [getmailtest @localhost root] $touch ~ /.getmail/getmailrc # modify the configuration file as follows (specific reference/usr/share/doc/getmail-4.480/getmailrc - examples) [getmailtest @localhost root] $more ~ /.getmail/getmailrc [options] / / this configuration removes the received mail from the mail server. Verbose = 0 The delete = true Message_log = ~ /.getmail/log Message_log_verbose = true [retriever] Type = SimplePOP3Retriever Server = Username = username / / username or username@163.com, which will be replaced by the 163 email account Password = the password for userpwd / / 163 [destination] Type = Maildir Path = ~ jeffp/Maildir / # create mail to save the directory [getmailtest @localhost root] $mkdir - p ~ / Maildir/cur [getmailtest @localhost root] $mkdir - p ~ / Maildir/new [getmailtest @localhost root] $mkdir - p ~ / Maildir/TMP # for the mail [getmailtest @localhost root] $getmail-v-n-r ~ /.getmail/getmailrc Getmail version 4.48.0 Copyright (C) 1998-2012 Charles Cazabon. Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. simplepop3retriever.username@: 110: MSG 1/44 (5532 bytes) delivered, deleted ... In the middle... MSG 44/44 (281


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