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IP Physical Security
Audit Guidance Document for
Task # Section / Control or Practice CAT Acceptable
1.0.0 General Security/Business Partner Requirements: HFEs vendors must conduct a comprehensive assessment of their facilities
whereby sensitive HFE products / projects are taken up under Intellectual Property security criteria. The vendors, their business partners
and outsource shall ensure that pertinent physical security measures are in place and adhered to throughout their operations. 一般安全/合
1.0.1 Is there a manager or supervisor responsible for implementing REC A Manager/Supervisor is assigned, and responsibilities are
security practice within the company? Please provide the documented. 工厂有指派经理或主管负责并且有书面写出责任范围
security manager’s name and contact information.是否有
1.0.2 Is there any non-disclosure agreement (NDA) set up for MAN Non-disclosure agreement has been set up for contractors and
contractors and employees? 工厂有没有与转包商和雇员签定 employees with clear polices and instructions documented. 工厂有
必威体育官网网址协议? 与转包商和雇员签定必威体育官网网址协议并且有书面的清楚方案及指示.
1.0.3 Are there written security policies and procedures for the REC Required security policies and procedures are well documented.工
safeguard of Intellectual Property that include physical 厂有按要求建立书面的安全方案和程序文件.
security, access controls, intrusion detection, CCTV
surveillance, personnel security, education and awareness,