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20 09年 7月 控 制 工 程 Ju l. 2 0 0 9
第16卷增刊 Control Engineering of China Vol. 1 6, S1
: 2009) S 010604
欧阳玲萍, 王锡淮, 肖健梅
( , 20013 )
: 在集装箱港口的运作中, 泊 调试系统是制约集装箱港口降低船舶在港时间和
运营成本的主要瓶颈之一泊 调度的目标就是确定集装箱港口船舶的停靠泊 和停泊时间
将码头看成离散泊 的集合, 以船舶的在港时间最短为目标, 应用蚁群算法对该问题进行优
经研究, 在满足各种约束条件的基础上, 充分的利用好码头资源利用蚁群算法的正反馈和并
行有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站特点提高解的质量 2和稳定性, 通过对某集装箱码头的案例分析, 说明该算法的有效性
: 泊 调度; 蚁群算法; 禁忌有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站算法
: TP 18 : A
Berth Scheduling Problem Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
OUYAN G L ing p ing, WAN G X ihuai, X IAO J ianm ei
( College ofLogistics Eng ineering, ShanghaiM aritmi e University, Shanghai 20013 , China)
A bstrac t: In the operations of the container ports, the berth schedu ling prob lem is one of them ain bottle necks that restrict the con
tainer prot to reduce the turn around tmi e of the sh ips and the operation costs. The objective of thd berthschedu ling problem is to deter
m ine the position and berth ing tmi e of containersh ip in prots container term ina.l A wharf is assum ed to be a collection of discrete bert
h ing sections, the objective of berth scheduling is tom in mi ize the total stay tmi e of sh ips. A wharf resources are utilized and various,
restrictions for berthing container vessels are satisfied by using ant colony optmi ization. M oreover, quality and robustness of solutions
are mi proved by the nature of feedback and parallel parad igm of ACA, A case app lying this approach on a certain container term inal
show s the valid ity and usefu lness of the algorithm.
K ey w ord s: berth schedu ling; an t colony algorithm; taboo search algorithm
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