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32 1 V o.l 32 N o. 1 2007 1 JOURNA L OF CH INA COA L SOC IETY Jan. 2007 : 0253- 9993( 2007 01- 000 8- 05 袁 亮 ( , 23200 1 : 为实现高瓦斯矿井安全高效开采, 根据淮南矿区的实际情况, 研究了高瓦斯煤层群煤与 瓦斯共采技 及通风方式开采程序技 原则安全高效采煤技 , 探索实践了瓦斯综合利用 环境治理矿井降温技 等绿色开采技 . 确定了关键技 参数, 全面考察了现场应用效果. 根 据研究结果, 确立了现代采矿的基本内涵. : 淮南矿区; 现代采矿; 本质安全; 煤与瓦斯共采; 绿色开采 K ey technology for m odern m in ing in H uainan coal area YUAN L iang (H ua inan M ining ( Group ) C o. L td. , H uainan 23200 1, Ch ina ) Abs tract: For the sake of sa fe and h ighly efficient m ining in gas- rich m ines, by tak ing the situations o f H uainan co llier ies into considerat ion, analyzed coa l and gas smi u ltaneous extraction techno logy, correspond ing ventilation m ethods, m ining procedures and techno log ical principles, and safe and h ighly effic ient coa lm ining techno logy to be app lied in gas-rich seam g roup m ining pract ices. In add it ion, researches w ere also conducted on such green m ining techno logy as concerned w ith com prehensive gas utilization, env ironm ent treatm ent and protect ion, and m ine tem- perature reduction, and the results of the above-m entioned researches w ere applied in m ining practices. P aram eters for all the above-m entioned techn iques w ere de term ined w ith comprehensive application resu lts exam ined. In th is w ay, the concept of m odern m ining w as def ined. K ey w ord s: H uainan coal area; m odern m in ing; intrinsic saf


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