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2 0 0 6 8 37 8
高 德 谷吉海 董 静 徐晓娟
, 2
: T B485. 2 ; T S206. 6 : A
Ozone Fruits Fresh keeping Packaging Technology
and Experimental Research
Gao De1Gu J ihai1Dong Jing1 X u Xiao uan2
( 1. H arbin Univ ers ity of Commerce 2. Zhej i ang Science and T ech nol ogy Colleg e )
T he key of ozo ne fr esh keeping t echnolo gy is how t o cont ro l and ad ust o xy gen and car bon
diox ide co ncent rat io ns in t he package. T he gas permeabilit y o f packaging m aterials is t he m ain
fact or of ad u st ing gas concentrat ions w it hin packag e. A new met ho d of calculating g as
perm eabilit y of packaging m at erials w as inf err ed by w ay of int egrat ing cro ss cutt ing dynam ic
pr ocess of f ruit s respirat ion and f il m perm eability . U nder no rmal t emper at ure, by o zone w at er
fr esh -keeping ex periments o n Qing shui honey peach and beanpod , t he correct ness of t his new
met ho d w as validat ed . T his met ho d has the sig nif icat ion in g uiding people on choo sing
- - .
t hicknesses of oz one f resh keeping film and on det erminat ion of f resh keeping t ime T he
fo llow ing index es of rot t en r at e, g ood f ruit r at e, w eig htl ess rat e, so luble solid cont ent , reductive
sugar cont ent , t ot al acid , the V C cont ent , t he cont ent of chl
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