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netstart可以启动的命令一览(国外英文资料) Net start Start the service, or display a list of started services. A service name consisting of two or more words, such as Net Logon or Co Mputer Browser must be quoted on both sides (. Net start [service] parameter There is no Enter net start with no parameters to show the list of running services. The service Include alerter, client service for netware, clipbook server, content The index, comput Er browser, DHCP client, directory replicator, eventlog, FTP publishing The service, Hypermedia object manager, logical disk manager, LPDSVC, media services managemen T, messenger, Fax Service, Microsoft install server, net logon, network Dde, netw Ork DSDM, nt lm security support provider, ole, plug and Play, remote access Connection manager, remote access isnsap service, remote access Server, remote pr Ocedure call (RPC) locator, remote procedure call (RPC) The service, the schedule and the server , simple TCP/IP services, site server ldap service, smartcard resource Manager, s NMP, spooler, task scheduler, TCP/IP netbios helper, telephony The service, and tracking Service, tracking (server) service, ups, Windows time service, and Workstation. The following service is available only on Windows 2000: file service for Macintosh, gateway service For netware, Microsoft DHCP service, print service for Macintosh, Windows interne T the name of the service. Net start Alerter Start the alarm service. The alarm service sends a warning message. Net start Alerter Net start Client Service for NetWare Start NetWare customer service. This command will only be available in the Wind if NetWare is installed Ows 2000 Professional. Client service for netware Net start ClipBook Server Start the scrapbook server service. A service name of two words, such as ClipBook Server, must be added on both sides Quotation marks (. Net start clipbook server Net start Computer Browser Start the computer browser service. Net start computer browser Net start the DHCP Client Start


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