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上市公司的12大类的三级分类(国外英文资料) 6 A code structure and classification of Agriculture Forestry Animal Husbandry and fishery A01 agriculture A0101 planting A0199 other agriculture A03 forestry A05 animal husbandry A0501 livestock grazing industry A0505 poultry industry A0599 other animal husbandry A07 Fisheries A0701 Marine Fisheries A0705 Freshwater Fisheries A09 agriculture, forest, animal husbandry and fishery A0901 agricultural service industry A0905 Forestry Service Industry A0915 of animal husbandry and veterinary services A0920 Fishery Services A0999 other agricultural, forest, animal husbandry and fishery mining industry B B01 coal mining industry The coal mining industry B0101 B0105 coal washing industry B03 oil and gas exploration industry B0301 natural crude oil industry B0305 natural gas industry B0310 oil shale and coal washing industry B05 black metal mining industry B0501 iron ore mining industry B0599 other ferrous metal mining industry B07 nonferrous metal mining industry B0701 heavy non-ferrous metal mining industry B0715 light non-ferrous metal mining industry B0730 precious metal mining industry B0740 rare earth metal mining industry B09 non metal mining industry B0901 soil sand and gravel mining B0911 chemical mining industry B0921 salt mining B0999 other non metal mining industry B49 other mining industry B50 mining services B5001 coal mining services B5003 oil and Gas Exploration Services B5005 black metal mining services B5007 non-ferrous metal mining services B5009 non metal mining services Choose the services C B5099 other mining industry C0 food and beverage C01 food processing industry C0101 food and feed processing industry C0111 plant oil processing industry C0115 sugar Slaughtering and meat processing industry of eggs C0120 C0125 aquatic products processing industry C0130 salt industry C0199 other industry C03 food manufacturing industry C0301 cakes, candy manufacturing C0310 dairy products manufacturing industry C0320 canned food industry C0330


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