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天运五行(国外英文资料) Five days for five days is what mean? Refers to the property of sixty Jiazi spend Na tone five line. 谓天运五行?也就是你的祖上姓氏笔划加上1为姓名学中五格的天格.例如王姓加1为5....按五格理数五行为土....这个土就是你的天运五行.....而这个天运五行为假五行.因为这个1.2为木3.4为火5.6为土....是来源于十个天干的基本五行....也就是说只取天为阳.地为阴没有取....所以这个不含阴阳的五行为假....根本不用理会于它..天地五行为1水2火3木4金5土 再例如 你的姓氏笔划加1.得出之数为天运五行. 比如王加1=5....5土[即是天运五行] 五行生克 素问曰: ......五行者, 金木水火土, 更贵更贱, 以知生死, 以决成败. 五行相生: 金生水, 水生木, 木生火, 火生土, 土生金. 五行 相克: 金克木, 木克土, 土克水, 水克火, 火克金. 五行相生含义: 木生火, 是因为木性温暖, 火隐伏其中, 钻木而生火, 所以木生火. 火生土, 是因为火灼热, 所以能够焚烧木, 木被焚烧后就变成灰烬, 灰即土,所以火生土. 土生金, 因为金需要隐藏在石里, 依附着山, 津润而生, 聚土成山, 有山必生石, 所以土生金. 金生水, 因为少阴之气(金气)温润流泽, 金靠水生, 销锻金也可变为水, 所以金生水. 水生木, 因为水温润而使树木生长出来, 所以水生木. 五行相克含义: 是因为天地之性 众胜寡, 故水胜火. 精胜坚, 故火胜金. 刚胜柔, 故金胜木. 专胜散, 故木胜土. 实胜虚, 故土 胜水. 五行生克制化宜忌: 金: 金旺得火, 方成器皿. 金能生水, 水多金沉; 强金得水, 方挫其锋. 金能克木, 木多金缺; 木弱逢金, 必为砍折. 金赖土生, 土多金埋; 土能生金, 金多土变. 火: 火旺得水, 方成相济. 火能生土, 土多火晦; 强火得土, 方止其焰. 火能克金, 金多火熄; 金弱遇火, 必见销熔. 火赖木生, 木多火炽; 木能生火, 火多木焚. 水: 水旺得土, 方成池沼. 水能生木, 木多水缩; 强水得木, 方泄其势. 水能克火, 火多水干; 火弱遇水, 必不熄灭. 水赖金生, 金多水浊; 金能生水, 水多金沉. 土: 土旺得水, 方能疏通. 土能生金, 金多土变; 强土得金, 方制其壅. 土能 Grams of water, water and soil water flow; every weak soil, will be silted up. Soil Huosheng Lai, fire coke; fire soil, soil fire. Dark wood: M Wan de Kim, a pillar of wood to fire, the fire burned wood; strong wood fire, the localization of stubbornness. Wood grams of soil. Soil duomu%; soil every weak wood, have collapsed. Mulai aquatic water, wood bleaching; water born wood, wood water shrinkage. Often see a lot of friends asked what is the day for five days, five days and five for testing, what do you mean? Here are five days for the history and detailed explanation, I hope to help you Five days for the sea of gold Yi Jiazi In the water, and water for the lake, and Wang, and Kim died, the tomb of Wang Jin Die ugly, the water in the sea, tomb, Gu Yue Jin, another gas in the parcel, make very silent. Son, the five elements of water, lake water, water is exuberant place, in the five line of gold died in the son and in the tomb of Wang J


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