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脉冲采样(国外英文资料) Liu Yongqiang 16:49:45 SCM data acquisition system oscilloscope interface source Assembly language output subroutine SUCU: SUCU:SETB P1.7; the external sync signal is high MOV, A, #0FFH; set the start flag to a high level MOV DPTR, 0400H; sets the DAC0832 address MOVX, @DPTR, A; send the start mark high CPL P1.7; the external synchronization signal is over INC A; set the start flag to 0 MOVX, @DPTR, A; send start flag low DEC A MOVX, @DPTR, A INC A MOVX, @DPTR, A; bold start mark CALL SJCS; call data transfer subroutine MOV, A, 90H MOV DPTR, 0400H; sets the DAC0832 address MOVX, @DPTR, A; send end mark high MOV, A, 70H MOVX, @DPTR, A; send end mark low MOV, A, 90H MOVX, @DPTR, A MOV, A, 70H MOVX, @DPTR, A; bold end mark RET Data transfer subroutine SJCS: SJCS:MOV, R6, 00H; LOOP0:MOV, P2, R6; MOV, R1, 00H LOOP1:DJNZ, R1, LOOP1 INC R6 CJNE, R6, 04H, LOOP0 RET //keil c6.20c is directly embedded in the assembly method! (C51BBS, netizen Cuiwei) //asm.h #ifdef ASM Unsigned, long, shiftR1 (register, unsigned, long); #else Extern, unsigned, long, shiftR1 (register, unsigned, long); #endif //end of asm.h //asm.c #define ASM #include asm.h #include reg52.h #pragma OT (4, speed) Unsigned, long, shiftR1 (register, unsigned, long, x) { #pragma ASM CLR C MOV, a, R4 RRC a MOV, R4, a MOV, a, R5 RRC a MOV, R5, a MOV, a, R6 RRC a MOV, R6, a MOV, a, R7 RRC a MOV, R7, a #pragma endasm Return (x); } //end of asm.c This * source file to compile the project file, / / the cursor point to this file, select the right click menu option for fileasm.c, / / attribute single properties in Generate Assembler SRC File Assemble SRC File Two / set to black V will be Link Public Only V removed, then the compiler can. / / any position by this method can be used in the source code of C #pragma ASM and #pragma endasm embedded assembly language. / / but should pay attention to carefully in the direct use of parameter optimization, resulting in different levels of the different assembly code,


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