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第八届“泡泡杯”全国少儿英语风采大赛 复赛赛培班讲义 Unit 1 Topic 1: At Weekends Discussion: ? What are weekends? ? Do you like weekends? Why or why not? ? Whats your hobby? ? What do you like doing at weekends? ? What do you usually do at weekends? ? What do you dislike doing at weekends? 一.话题讲解: 要求:Describe what you like doing at weekends, or in your free time. 请讲述你在周末或空闲时间喜欢做的事情。 在看图说话的练习中,需要按照要求通过看有关联的四副图片,完成一段小故事的描述,内容要紧密围绕图片中的故事情节,并注意词汇、句型和时态的使用。 二.单词精选 去游泳going swimming 去购物going shopping 看书reading books 玩电脑游戏playing computer games 踢足球playing football 看电视watching TV 种花growing flowers 篮球playing basketball 旅游traveling 看报纸reading newspapers 写作writing 上网surfing the internet 去远足going hiking 去滑雪going skiing 去滑旱冰go skating 做手工making crafts 集邮collecting stamps 在网上聊天chatting online 三.句型精选 1. Invite somebody: Are you free this weekend? Where shall we meet? /Where shall I meet you? Are you doing anything this afternoon? /Do you have plans for this afternoon? /Are you busy this afternoon? No, nothing special. Yes, I have to do my homework. How about having dinner with me? /Lets have dinner together. Sounds great! Why dont we go to see a basketball game? Sorry, I have plans. /Sorry, Im busy. /Im sorry, but I have other plans. /Im afraid I cant. /Im sorry but I cant. Thanks for asking, but... /Thanks for the invitation, but... Lets do it another time. Could we plan it for another day? I hope you can come. 2. Make a plan: When is it convenient for you? /What is a good time for you? /When is good for you? /About what time? Whenever. /Anytime is fine. Whenever. Im free all day. Whenever you are free. Any day is okay. Im free today. /I have a lot of free time today. I have nothing to do this weekend. Ill be busy this weekend. When are you free? When are you available? Thats a bad day for me Im afraid. That day is fine. When can I come over? When can I visit? When can I stop by? You decide when. /Ill leave


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