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1. There is only a one-step distance between failure and success , but in most cases , we are confused by failure which is deliberately mystifying . 失败和成功只有一步之遥,但很多时候我们容易被失败的故弄玄虚给迷惑住了。 2. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 在这个世界上,我们唯一要恐惧的就是“恐惧”本身! -- Franklin D. Roosevelt 3. Hard things / are put / in our way , / not to stop us , / but / to call out / our courage / and strength . 摆在我们面前的困难并不是要阻挡我们,而是唤起我们的勇气和力量。 4. Every single day , / every single person , / and every single experience / is a unique / and wonderful gift . 每一天、每个人、每件事都是一份独特而精彩的礼物。 5. Its no use lamenting yourself lonely . What we should keep in mind is that we have a future worth fighting for . 顾影自怜是没有用的,我们必须铭记:“我们拥有值得为之奋斗的未来”. 6. You must focus on / turning negatives / into positives . / If you want it / and you dream about it / theres nothing thats going to / stop you . 你必须集中精力将消极的东西变成积极的东西。 如果你想要而且全神贯注地梦想它,世界上就没有任何东西可以阻挡你 7. No matter how difficult it is, no matter what pain hits you, choose to move forward and move on and take baby steps into the future. 不管多困难、多痛苦都要向前,一步一步地迈向未来。每一个困难和挑战都是一个垫脚石、都是一次珍贵的课程,善用它们,一步步走向成功和辉煌! 8. Be courageous / and move forward , /even if / it feels / uncomfortable . / Sacrifice is necessary / for success . 勇敢前行,即使你感到不舒服!牺牲对于成功是必要的。 9. I wish for you / a life / lived not in response to / the doubts or fears or desires of others,/ but in pursuit of passions, hopes, and dreams that are your very own. 我希望你们一生不要疲于应对别人的质疑、担心或欲望,而是追求自己的激情、希望与梦想。(Michelle Obama米歇尔·奥巴马) 10. I want to remind you that, whether you like it or not, in order to survive and thrive, you will have to be lifelong students and lifetime learners. 我还是想提醒你们:不管你们喜不喜欢,为了生存和成功,你们必须终生学习,活到老学到老。 11. Coping with success is easy. How you deal with adversity, with failure, and with setbacks will reveal your true character. 应对成功很容易,而如何应对灾难、失败、挫折,才能显露出你真正的性格.I can cope with the pressure from school work. 我可以应付学校功课的压力. 12. Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly . 做事不完美总比一事无成强. 13


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