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美式英语发音教程8 发音技巧 1.词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧(1) [sp]+[l]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[p]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[l]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Split 分离 My head is splitting. My trousers split I sat down. Splash 溅,斑点 Don’t splash me: I don’t want to get wet. The paper splashed the story on page one. 词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧(2) [sp]+[r]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[p]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[r]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Spring 跃起,弹性 Her walk has a lot of spring in it. When people say unkind thing about her husband, she springs to his defense. Spread 船舶,散布 The rumor quickly spread through the village. He’s developing (a) middle-age spread. (俚) 他逐渐发福了。 词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧(3) [st]+[r]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[t]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[r]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Strict 严厉的,严格的 He was a strict father. He told the strict truth. Our teacher is strict; we have to do what she says. Stream 流 Tears streamed down her cheeks. The students streamed into the auditorium. Her long hair was streaming in the wind. 词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧 (4) [st]+[j]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[t]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[j]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Stupor 昏迷 The drunken man fell to the floor in a stupor. 这个醉鬼昏迷不醒,倒在地上。 Stupid 愚蠢的 How stupid of him to ask such a question! This book is so stupid, I don’t want to finish it. He makes the same mistakes over and over, he is so stupid! 词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧(5) [sk]+[w]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[k]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[w]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Square 公平的;结清的 The fighters squared off against each other. They gave us a square deal. He tried to square himself with his parents. Here is the $5 I owe you, so now we are square. His practice does not square with his principles. If you ask her for the truth, she’ll be square with you. 词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧(6) [sk]+[r]在发音时,第一个摩擦音[s]读得短而轻,第二个爆破音[k]在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音[r]同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音[E]。 Scream 喊叫声;可笑的 Screech 尖叫声 Scrub 洗擦,擦净 Screw 歪曲;欺骗 He was a perfect scream. “Leave me alone!” he screeched. Don’t forge


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