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 HYPERLINK 美联英语提供:美联英语:买衣服 的聊天对话 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接: HYPERLINK /?tid=16-73374-0 /?tid=16-73374-0   Jack: Are you ready to go window shopping at the mall? ?   Molly: That would be great. ?   Jack: You can learn a lot of English by shopping. ?   Molly: I agree. ?   Jack: Studying English can be really fun. ?   Molly: So can shopping! ?   Jack: Lets learn some English you will use while you are shopping. ?   杰克:想不想去商城逛逛? ?   莫莉:是个好主意。 ?   杰克:你购物的时候也能学到很多英语。 ?   莫莉:我同意。 ?   杰克:学习英语是很有趣的。 ?   莫莉:购物也是呀! ?   杰克:我们一起学些在购物中可能用到的英语吧。 ?   NEW WORDS ?   1) Hold your horses: relax, wait a moment ?   Hold you horses, son, you cant go in there. ?   等一等,孩子,你不能进去。 ?   2) Let the cat out of the bag: reveal a secret, confess ?   The cat is out of the bag, I told my boss I would quit. ?   秘密已经透露了,我告诉老板我要辞职。 ?   3) Mall rat: a young person who spends all their time at a mall ?   My niece is a real mall rat, she is always there. ?   我侄女可真是只商场老鼠,她总在商场里瞎逛。 ?   4) Window Shopping: looking but not buying ?   My girlfriend spent all day Sunday window shopping at the mall. ?   我的女朋友在商场闲逛了一整天。 ?   5) Mannequin: a statue to put clothes on in a store ?   That mannequin in the red suite looks so life-like. ?   那个穿红衣服的人体模特看起来跟真的一样。 ?   Dialogue ?   Present Tense Dialogue 现在时对话 ?   Kelly : Are you free next Friday? ?   Tracey: Why, do you want to make plans? ?   Kelly : Lets go to the mall together. ?   Tracey: You are such a mall rat. ?   Kelly : Hold your horses, you are a mall rat too, right? ?   Tracey: Of course! We can go window shopping all day and eat at the cool cafeteria in the second floor food court. ?   Kelly : Its going to be great. ?   凯丽:你下周五有空么? ?   翠茜:怎么了?你有什么计划吗? ?   凯丽:我们一起去商城逛逛吧。 ?   翠茜:你可真是个不折不扣的“商场老鼠”。 ?   凯丽:等等,你不也是个“商场老鼠”么? ?   翠茜:当然。我们可以逛一整天,在商城二层的一个很棒的自助餐馆里吃东西。 ?   凯丽:太棒了! ?   Past Tense Dialogue 过去时对话 ?   Kelly : Did you see what that mannequin had on? ?   Tracey: I did see it, it was a beautiful dress. ?   Kelly : Did you buy it? ?   Tracey: No, I was just windo


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