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美联英语提供:美联英语:归纳整理杂物的12条黄金法则小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/?tid=16-73374-0Has your place been looking a little . . . clogged up lately? Well, it may be time to do a little cleaning up! However, if youve been following these rules below, you wouldnt need a decluttering session as your home is guaranteed to be clutter-free.你的地方最近看起来有一点...乱吗?嗯,该是时候做一些打扫了!然而,如果你遵循下面的规则,你就不会乱堆放东西了因为你的家保证没有杂物了。1. Get rid of duplicates1 摆脱复制品If you have duplicates lying around, get rid of them if they are not necessary. Keep the better duplicate and trash or donate the other.如果你的复制品堆放的满地都是,摆脱他们如果他们不必要的话。保留复制品中较好的,把其他的扔了或赠送他人。2. Get rid of things you havent used in a year2 扔掉一年内没用过的东西So you keep telling yourself that youll use it eventually, but if you havent touched it in a year, chances are that youre not going to in the near future. Do your home a favor and get rid of the items that arent getting any use.你一直告诉你自己,你最终会用它,但是如果你一年内都没有接触过它,可能性是你也不会在将来用它。给你的家一次恩惠,扔掉不会再用的东西。3. Digitize nostalgic items3把怀旧的东西数码化Do you have too many nostalgic items that you cant seem to get yourself to give away? Take photos of them and then get rid of them - youll be able to keep them around forever without cluttering up your space.你有太多的怀旧东西你似乎不能允许你自己扔掉它们吗?给她们照相然后扔掉它们-你能够一直让它们在你身边而无需占有你的空间。4. Dont keep items out of guilt4 不要出于愧疚的保留你的东西Im sure you have a thing or two around the house that you keep out of guilt. Perhaps its a sweater sweet aunt Betty knitted for you for Christmas that you never wear or that fancy dress you splurged way too much on. Time to be brutal and get rid of them all.我确信你出于愧疚在房子周围保留了一两件东西。或许是一件贴心姑姑贝蒂在圣诞节为你织的毛衣而你从未穿过,或许是一件时髦的套装你挥霍金钱取得的。时间是残忍的把它们都扔掉。5. Put things back where they belong5 把东西放回它们本属于的地方Its easy to just leave things lying around, but thats how clutter builds up. After youre done using something, immediately put it back where it belongs so you wont procrastinate.很容易随地乱放东西,但是这正是堆积物形成的原因。在你用完某样东西之后,不要耽搁时间,立刻把它们放回原位。6. And find a home for them6 给它们找一个家Make sure every item in your home has a plac


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