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作业: 1. 跑得了和尚跑不了庙。 The monk can run away, but not the monastery. 2. 竹篮打水一场空。 To draw water in a bamboo basket. 3. Dont get wise with me , young man. 别对我无礼,小伙子! 4. But the die was cast , he could not go back. 但事已决定,他不能翻悔。 5. 他把你的话,一五一十,都告诉我了。 He has recounted everything you said in detail to me. 6. 万一你有个三长两短…… If anything should happen to you… 7. The captain scratched the beginnings of five oclock shadow and look away. 上校一边用手抓着下午五点钟长出来的络腮胡子茬,一边向远处望去。 8. 她单身一人,无亲无故。 She is all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her. 9. Dont know, Captain, but it sounds like Grace is in there talking to her boss at NIS. She mentioned killing off the investigation. Sounds to me like some serious circling of wagons has been going on. 不知道,上校,不过听起来葛瑞丝好像正和她的调查局老板谈话,她提及撤消调查。听起来像是真的要把大篷车围起来了。( circling of wagons 涉及美国的文化背景,因此可以先直译,再加注:美国人从东部向西部移民时,路上常遇印第安人袭击,于是他们就把大篷车围起来自卫。此处指当权者怕调查深入,火烧到自己身上,于是撤销调查自保。) 答案:6. Try to keep your sketch this side of 800 words 你的短文不要超过八百字。 7. They were anything but sparing in their efforts to finish the construction work. 他们在不遗余力地完成这项建设工程。 8. He said the middle class there was opposed to them, but the working class were up to mark. 他说,那里的中产阶级反对他们,但工人阶级的态度颇令人满意 9. The operation only just succeeded, and it was fortunate that we had provided additional forces. 这次战役好不容易才取得胜利,多亏我们增援了部队。 10. I will go providing my expenses are paid. 如果有人为我付费,我是要去的 pregnant sweet slumbering bluntly capitilate base hurriedly 有孕在身; 身怀六甲 娇柔妩媚; 温婉可人; 楚楚动人 沉沉欲睡; 昏昏欲睡 直截了当; 直言不讳; 开门见山 屈膝投降; 缴械投降 卑鄙无耻 匆匆忙忙; 心急火燎; 风风火火 someday dreary repulsive bargain mischievous cynical careless platitude senile 有朝一日; 总有一天 枯燥无味; 精疲力竭 令人反感; 令人作呕 讨价还价; 斤斤计较 调皮捣蛋 玩世不恭; 愤事嫉俗; 冷嘲热讽 粗心大意; 马马虎虎 老生常谈; 陈词滥调 老态龙钟 appropriate boundless listless furious have never met extend in all directions talk and laugh cheerfully a world of difference 恰如其分; 恰倒好处 漫无边际; 无边无际 无精打采 怒气冲天; 怒不可遏 素不相识; 萍水相逢 四通八达 谈笑风生; 欢声笑语 天壤之别; 截然不同; 天差地别 take a risk in desperation 铤而走险



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