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考博英语词汇复习之基础部分(一) 来源:考试大???【学而优则进,考试大以成!】???2010年6月10日 A????? a/an ability able about above absent accept accident ache achieve across act action active activity actor actress actual add address admire admit adverb advice advise aeroplane airplane affair afraid Africa African after afternoon afterwards again against age ago agree agreeable agreement agricultural ahead* aid aim air aircraft airport alike alive all allow almost alone* along aloud already also although altogether always amend America American among(st) amuse amusement ancient and anger angry animal announce another* answer ant anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anybody anything anyway anywhere apartment apologize appear appearance apple appoint appointment approve April Arabian area argue argument army around arrange arrival arrive art artist as* ashamed Asia Asian ask* asleep assist at atom August aunt Australia Australian author autumn avoid away awfully B baby back* backward bad badly bag ball* banana banner barely basic basketball bathroom battle be beard beautiful beauty because become bedroom bee beef beer before beg begin beginner beginning behind believe bell below beneath beside besides best* better between beyond bicycle big bike bird birth bit black blackboard blind* blood blue boat body bomb bone book boot born borrow bottle box boy brain brave bread break* breakfast breathe bridge bright bring Britain British broken brother brown build building burn* bury bus busy but* buy by C cake calm camel camera camp can* Canada Canadian cancer cap car careful carry* cat celebrate center central century certain certainly chair chairman change cheap chemical chemist chemistry chicken chiefly child chimney China Chinese choice choose Christmas cinema city classmate classroom clean clear* clever climate climb clock* cloth clothe clothes clothing cloud cloudy club coal coast coat cock coffee cold collect college color bomb come* comfort comfortable command communism compete complete computer comrade concer


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