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考研英语词汇及例句 每日例句 1、Sth must be done about it.必须想办法做点什么 2、i quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的意见 3、zip your fly(lips).闭嘴 4、who invited the …… 谁发明了…… 5、 he’s full of zip.他精力充沛 6、a ture friend will not wear a false face 真正的朋友不是口是心非 7、i must admit that is ture.that ,I must admit ,is ture.我必须承认这是真的。 8、go at once while there is yet time .马上走!趁现在有时间 9\wo have a lot in common.我们有很多共同点。 10、whatever you think is fine with me ,你怎么想都我无所谓(我随变你) 11、I’m not myself today.今天我心神不宁 12、I’m under a lot of pressure.我压力很大 13、would you care for a drink?来一杯怎么样? 14\it really comes in handy.真的是伸手即来。(有了它太方便了) 15、it is out of the question. =that’s impossible . 16、pain past is pleasure.伤痛过后是快乐 17、some American manufacturers said the Chinese currency is nudervaluede by as much as 40%,they contend that this is the key reason for american’s huge trade deficit with china.they say it is also the major factor in the loss of millions of American manufacturing iobs over the past decade. 一些美国制造上认为中国的货币被低估了40%,他们坚持那是美国与中国巨大贸易逆差的关键因素,并说着也是导致美国过去十年制造业减少数以万计的岗位的主要因素。 18、what do you think of the proposals put forward by sb?你认为某人给出的建议怎么样呢? 每日词汇 Z 1、zael,/zi:l/ 热情 for his zeal redoubled 他热情倍增 zeal witout prudence is frenzy 热情而不谨慎就是狂热 zeal is no excuse 热情无需接口 z is for zeal ,zeal should not outrun discretion z表示热情,热情要谨慎 2、zebra, a animal Chinese means 斑马 For zebra strips means 斑马线zebra crossing 人行横道 I see a zebra in the zoo. Seemingly everyone likes zebra 3、zero ,0 below zero,sub-zero 零度以下absolute zero 绝对零度 Ten degrees below zero 零下十度 4、zigzag n,之字形的 vt,使曲折,使弯曲 For a zigzag(winding) path 之字形小路 a zigzag lion 一条之字形线 He walks on a zigzag(winding) path 他在一条之字形小路上行走 5、zink n 锌 6、zip n拉链vt拉开或拉上 Zip up 拉上 zip your fly(lips)!闭嘴 Who invited the zip-fastener?谁发明了拉链? These new trains really zip along.这些新火车行驶的真的快 7、zone n地区vt分区,划分地带 Paece zone,和平地带 8、zoo n动物园 9、zoom vi飞驰,飞速掠过,价格急剧上涨,n飞驰,嗡嗡声,adj变焦的 A zoom telescope 变焦望远镜



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