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第33 卷 第5 期 煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 33 No . 5 2005 年10 月 COAL GEOLOGY EXPLORATION Oct. 2005 : 2005) 范立民 ( 陕西省煤田地质局, 陕西 西安 710054) : 采煤会造成地下水严重渗漏, 同时对生态环境影响巨大, 保水采煤在陕北地区 非常必要的 本文系统地论述了陕北侏罗纪煤田保水采煤的由来基本思路途径及地下水的勘查开发利用水 源保护区设置等问题, 评述了陕北侏罗纪煤田榆神府矿区保水采煤区划, 从科学发展观角度, 提出 了一些保水采煤建议 : 保水采煤; 地下水; 萨拉乌苏组; 榆神府矿区 : P641. 8 : A Discussing on coal mining under water- containing condition FAN Li- min ( Shaanx i Provincial Coal Geology Bureau , X ian 710054, China) Abstract: Coal mining can r sult in groundwat r s riously s ping and s riously influ ncing aquatic nvironm nt. Coal mining und r wat r- containing condition in th North Shaanxi ar a is v ry n c ssary. This pap r syst matically discuss d th caus , basic way of thinking, path and und rground wat r conc ring probl ms for coal mining und r wat r - containing condition in th North Shaanxi Jurassic Coal Fi ld. Th pap r valuat d and d scrib d th district programming of th Yush nfu Coal Minging Ar a of North Jurassic Coal Fi ld on coal mining und r wat r- containing and off r d som proposals from sci ntific and d v lopm nt vi w points. Key words : coal mining und r wat r- containing; groundwat r; Salawusu Formation; Yush nfu coal mining ar a , 1992 , 1 [12] , , [ 1] , , , 1995 , [ 4] , , , , , ,


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