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Journal of R adio TV Un iversity(Ph ilosophy Social Sciences) No. 3, 010( Sum N o. 154) () 010 3( 154) Second M ean ing of Tradem ark and Its Determ inination Princip le 1 马晓燕 史灿方 1 MA X iao- yan SH I Can- fang ( 1. 南京师范大学, 江苏 南京 10049; . 江苏广播电视大学, 江苏 南京 10036) ( 1. N anj ing N ormal Univ ersity, N anj ing J iang su Ch ina 10049; . J iangsu R ad io TV Univ er sity, N anj ing J iangsu Ch ina 10036) [ 我国商标法关于 第二含义商标的保 过于简单和原则, 特别是法条对通用名称和描述性名称未作区 分保 , 司法实践中缺乏界定的实施细则借鉴美国和欧盟等著名判例对 第二含义认定的考量因素及我国的司法实践, 对 商标 第二含义的界定首先应采用语义解释方法, 并确立完全禁止性等六 个判定原则 [ 商标第二含义; 文义理解; 判定原则 D 648 A 1008- 0597( 010) 03- 00 7- 05 [ [ [ A bstract: In T rademark Law of P. R. C the protection for SecondM eaning ofT radem ark is in a smi ple and principledw ay, especially there ex ist neither differentiated protections bewt een generic nam es and descriptive nam es in legislation nor detailed rules of definition in judicial practice. Com bing the consideration factors of identify ing SecondM eaning of Tradem ark in fam ou s cases inU SA and EU w ith Chinese judicial practice, the author indi cates that sem antic interpretation should be firstly u sed to define the connotation of SecondM eaning ofT rademark and establish TotalBan and other five determ ination principles. K ey wo rd s: SecondM eaning of Tradem ark; Sem antic interpretation; Determ ination principle , 006 5 19, 001 7, , , : , (



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