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2004 7 15 7 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Jul. 2004, 15 ( 7)∀1281~ 1284 * 1* * 2 3 康向阳 刘志民 李胜功 ( 1 , 100083; 2 , 110016; 3 Japan Science and T echnology Corporation T andem Accelerator Center, Uni ersity of T sukuba, T sukuba, Ibarak 305857 1, Japan) . , , , . , ; ; , . 100 1- 9332( 2004) 07- 1281- 04 S72236 A 1 2 3 1 Potential ecological risks of transgenic trees. KA NG Xiangyang , LIU Zhimin , LI Shenggong ( K ey L aborato ryf or Genetics Breeding of Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants, M OE, Beij ing Forestry University, Beij ing 2 3 100083, hina; Institute of App lied Ecology , hinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, hina; Jap an Science and Technology orp oration Tandem Accelerator enter , Univ ersity of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibarak 305 8571, Jap an) . hin. J. Appl. Ecol. , 2004, 15( 7) : 1281~ 1284. A new approach to genetic impro ement of trees has been introduced with the birth of gene engineering tech nique. Compared to that in crops, gene introduction in trees has bigger potent ial ecological risk in en ironmental release and extension, because trees, most of which are w inddispersed, grow on arious habitats, ha e longer life span, and subject to relati ely more extensi e management . Extensi e plantation of transgenic trees may reduce the genetic di ersit y of the trees concerned. Coe olution of pests and pathogens is likely to be caused under the pressure of longterm and cont inuous selection of the trees deri ed f


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