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美联英语提供:权力的游戏:强者都具备这11点特质 分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0 Power gets a bad rap, but only because people pursue it for the wrong reasons. When power is pursued for the right reasons, it can be a tremendous force for good. 权力生祸害,但往往是因为追求之人别有用心。如果取之有道,就能受益无穷。 Niccolo Machiavelli spread the belief that people can only become powerful by exploiting the worst aspects of human nature. One of this teachings was, “A wise ruler ought never to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests.” Machiavelli was essentially saying that you’re an idiot if you keep your promises or stick to your values when you’d benefit more by breaking them. 马基雅弗利曾经宣称:人类欲当权,必取于性之本恶。一句教条便是“统治者无法信教,因为这和对权力的追逐互为矛盾”本意为,若有所信仰却总为利益将其打破,那么与傻子无异。 Not only did we hear it from Machiavelli, but also from plenty of voices in our own time, such as Robert Greene, who said, “The key to power is the ability to judge who is best able to further your interests in all situations.” It’s no wonder so many people think that the only way to get power is to be a jerk. 不仅他如是说,当代之同道者亦比比皆是。如罗伯特·格林所言“权力来源于无论何处境都可将利益最大化的能力”如此,人们多认为只有无良可夺权也在情理之中。 Fortunately, Machiavelli and Greene had something in common: They were both wrong. Recent research from UC Berkeley shows that when it comes to power, nice guys finish first. The researchers found that the most powerful people (according to ratings from their peers) were those who were the most considerate and outgoing. They also found that those who were the most Machiavellian — using things like gossip and manipulation to gain power — were quickly identified and isolated and ended up with no power at all. 然而上述二人的言论都过去片面。伯克利大学的必威体育精装版研究称,人品佳是得权之首因。如同事评价,位高权重中者往往是最贴心外向之人;而玩弄是非者如马基雅弗利,不久便被识破、孤立以致一无所获。 Studies like these are rehabilitating power’s bad rap. Power isn’t inherently evil, and it isn’t inherently bad to seek power. Without power, you can’t accomplish anything, good or evil. Even those who want nothing more than to make the world a better place,


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