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美联英语提供:频繁跳槽不要慌 4个贴士简历帮你忙 分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0 They say variety is the spice of life—but it can be downright poisonous to your career path. Maybe it took you a while to figure out your passion, so you dabbled in this and that. Perhaps you made a few detours in light of the tough job market. Or maybe you’re one of the millions of people juggling distinct part-time gigs rather than one full-time role. 有人说多样化让生活更有情趣——但这可能十分不利于你的职业生涯。也许你是需要一段时间去弄清楚你的激情所在,所以你涉猎于职场的各个方面。也许你是因为严峻的就业市场形式而走了一些弯路。或者,也许你是像很多人一样,同时应付着不同的兼职工作,而不去做一份全职工作。 Exploring different options can work in your favor because it broadens your experience and exposes you to a variety of fields. Problem is, when you apply for a position you really want that speaks to your skill set and professional goals, hiring managers might pass you up in favor of candidates who took a more linear route. 尝试不同的选择会对你有利,因为这丰富了你的经验,让你接触到各种各样的领域。但问题是,当你真正想申请到那份满足你各种技能和职业目标的工作时,招聘经理可能会拒绝你,反而更青睐于那些专一的应聘者。 Career experts are seeing an increase in jack-of-all-trades job hunters, something they attribute to a couple of different factors. Because of all the layoffs during the recession, workers were forced to take jobs they didn’t really want that might not have been the best fit, says Hannah Morgan, career strategist at Career Sherpa. The go-getter spirit of the millennial generation also comes into play. If millennials don’t receive promotions as quickly as they’d like, they tend to move on to a more desirable position, says Morgan, even if it’s not exactly on their career trajectory. 职业专家看到现在杂而不精的求职者越来越多,他们将这一现象归因于几个不同的因素。在Career Sherpa公司工作的职业策划师汉娜摩根说: “由于经济衰退期间全面的裁员,工人被迫从事他们十分不想要的工作,这份工作并不是最适合他们的。”在千禧一代里有积极进取精神的人也开始起作用。如果千禧一代不能很快得到他们所想要的晋升,他们往往会转向更理想的位置。摩根说,即使这并不符合他们的职业轨迹。 Yet despite all the job hopefuls with generalist backgrounds, employers are increasingly seeking candidates who have specialized expertise. Since there’s no longer an expectation of lifetime employment with a single company, many co


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