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腐植酸肥对土壤养分与微生物活性的影响 王利宾1 王曰鑫2* (1 山西农业大学信息学院 太谷 030801 2 山西农业大学资源环境学院 太谷 030801) 摘 要:本试验进行了腐植酸肥对土壤微生物活性与土壤速效养分影响的研究。试验在温室条件下,采用盆栽饲草高粱法,设腐植酸肥、化肥和对照(CK)3个处理。试验表明:抽穗期,腐植酸肥处理的土壤细菌数比化肥处理高45.58%;拔节期和抽穗期,腐植酸肥处理的土壤放线菌数比化肥处理高28.57%和43.58%,土壤真菌数比化肥处理高23.26%和20%。结果表明,施用腐植酸能改善土壤脲酶和磷酸酶的活性,提高土壤有效养分的时效性,改善植物营养。 关键词:腐植酸 速效养分 酶活性 土壤微生物 中图分类号:Q93-331 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-9212(2011)04-0001-04 Effects of Humic Acid Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Microbial Activity Wang Libin1, Wang Yuexin2* (1 College of Information, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, 030801, 2 College of Resource and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, 030801) Abstract: In this paper, the pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of humic acid fertilizer on soil microbial activity and soil available nutrients under the condition of growing forage sorghum in greenhouse. The experiment had three treatments including no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizer, and humic acid fertilizer. The results showed that the quantity of soil bacteria in humic acid fertilizer treatment was higher by 45.58% than that in chemical fertilizer treatment at heading stage. In the stages of jointing and heading, the quantity of soil actinomycetes in humic acid fertilizer treatment was higher by 28.57% and 43.58% than that in chemical fertilizer treatment, respectively. And the quantity of soil fungi in treatment with humic acid fertilizer was higher by 23.26% and 20% than that in treatment with chemical fertilizer in jointing and heading stage, respectively. The results also indicated that applying humic acid could increase the activities of soil urease and phosphatase, prolong the timeliness of available nutrient in soil, and improve sorghum nutrient. Key words: humic acid; rapidly available nutrient; enzyme activity; soil microorganisms 随着世界经济与现代农业的快速发展,越来越多的化学肥料被利用在农作物栽培上,同时带来的不良影响也越来越严重。化肥的低利用率不仅带来了巨大的经济损失,也严重影响了人类赖以生存的环境。因此,提高化肥利用率,减少或免除肥料污染,建立良好的土壤生态系统,发展可持续、高效农业,实现经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的全面提高是目前肥


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