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自考英语一第六单元 Text A scientific attitudes 本课主要单词 1.attitude? n. 姿势,姿态;态度,看法 1)The plane was in a nose-down attitude. (飞机处于俯冲姿态。) 2)They decided to take an attitude of wait and see to/toward the new policy. (他们决定对新政策采取观望态度。) 3)We should adopt a correct attitude about tests. (对考试我们应抱正确的态度。) 2.environment? n. 环境,周围状况,自然环境 1)A child can easily adjust to changes in the environment. (孩子很容易适应环境的变化。) 2)They promised to provide us a good environment for work and rest. (他们许诺为我们提供良好的工作或休息环境。) 3)Science offers us total mastery over environment and over our destiny. (科学赋予我们控制环境掌握命运的能力。) 4)He grew up in an environment of poverty. (他在贫穷的环境中长大。) environmental? adj. 环境的 environmental protection? 环境保护 environmental pollution? 环境污染 environmental biology? 环境生物学,生态学 environmental engineer? 环境工程师 3.curiosity? n. 好奇(心)    curious?adj. 好奇的;离奇古怪的 1)He walked to the silent old man out of curiosity. (出于好奇,他向那位沉默寡言的老人走去。) 2)She showed great curiosity about my past. (她对我的过去显示出莫大的好奇。) 3)Children are curious about everything. (儿童对什么都感到好奇。) 4)Not long after they left, a curious thing happened. (他们走后不久,一件古怪的事情发生了。) 4.imagination? n. 想像,想像力;幻觉;应变能力    imagine?v. 想像;料想 1)He is a writer of rich imagination. (他是一个富有想像力的作家。) 2)No one moved in the bushes, it was only your imagination. (没人在树丛里走动,只是你的幻觉而已。) 3)Due to his lack of imagination, he just didnt know what to do next. (由于缺少应变能力,他不知道下一步该怎么办。) 4)It is hard to imagine life with electricity. (很难想像没有电,生活会是怎样。) 5)I imagine he will come tomorrow. (我料想他明天会来。) 请注意区别下面三个形容词imaginative,imaginary,imaginable 1)It is an imaginative tale. (这是个虚构的故事。) 2)The teacher is waiting for imaginative answer. (老师正等待着具有丰富想像力的回答。) 3)The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth. (赤道即假想的环绕地球的大圆。) 4)an imaginary enemy (假想敌) 5)They said they would save the patient by every means imaginable. (他们说他们会用尽一切想得出的方法抢救病人。) (imaginable 常与最高级形容词或all,every,only等连用,放在被修饰的名词的后面。) 5.apart? adv. 分离,分开 1)The two schools are 20 miles apart. (两校相距20英里。) 2)I cannot tell these two things a


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