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拉力 tensile force 正应力 normal stress 切应力 shear stress 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure 集中力 concentrated force 分布力 distributed force 线性应力应变关系linear relationship between stress andstrain 弹性模量 modulus of elasticity 轴向力 axial force 横向力 lateral force transverse force 压应力 compressive stress 拉应力 tensile stress 静力学方程equations of static 平衡方程 equilibrium equation 应力应变曲线stress-strain curve 比例极限 proportional limit 屈服应力 yield stress 拉伸实验 tensile test 极限应力 ultimate stress 轴 shaft 梁 beam 纯剪切 pure shear 横截面积 cross-sectional area 挠度曲线 deflection curve 曲率半径 radius of curvature 曲率半径的倒数 reciprocal of radius of curvature 纵轴 longitudinal axis 悬臂梁 cantilever beam 简支梁 simply supported beam 微分方程 differential equation 惯性矩 moment of inertia 静矩 static moment 扭矩 torque moment 弯矩 bending moment 弯矩对x的导数 derivative of bending moment with respect to x 弯矩对x的二阶导数the second derivative of bending moment with respect to x 静定梁 statically determinate beam 静不定梁 statically indeterminate beam 相容方程 compatibility equation 补充方程 complementary equation 中性轴 neutral axis 圆截面 circular cross section 两端作用扭矩twisted by couples at two ends 刚体 rigid body 扭转角 twist angle 静力等效 statically equivalent 相互垂直平面mutually perpendicular planes 通过截面形心 through the centroid of the cross section 一端铰支 pin support at one end 一端固定 fixed at one end 弯矩图 bending moment diagram 剪力图 shear force diagram 剪力突变 abrupt change in shear force、 旋转和平移 rotation and translation 虎克定律 hook’s law 边界条件 boundary condition


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