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32 1 Vol.32, N o.1
200 3 2 A CTA G EO DA ET ICA e t CART OG RA PHICA SI NI CA Feb., 200 3
:1001-1595 (200 3)01-0026-05 :P207 :A
1, 2 2 1
归庆明 , 李国重 , 欧吉坤
(1. , 4 30077;2. , 4 50052 )
Comparison and Selection between Biased Estimator
and LS Estimator
1, 2 2 1
GU I Q ng-m ng , LI Guo-zhong , OU J -kuen
(1.Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 4 30077, China;2.Institute of
Surveying and Mapping, Inf ormation Engineering University, Zhengzhou 4 50052, China)
Abstract:T he problem of select on be tw een b ased est mator and LS est mato r n G au ss-M arkov model s stud ed by
u s ng the hypothes s test ng approach.F rstly, the compar sons betw een the tw o most mportant b ased est mators,
o rd nary r dge est mator and pr nc pal components est mator, and LS est mator are conducted by u s ng the cr ter on
of mean squared error;and the cond t ons to show the super or ty of each of these tw o est mators over the LS est ma-
tor have been obta ned.T hen, the tests have been suggested to ver fy w hether or not these cond t o ns hold n g ven
s tuat ons by us ng the stat st cal method.F nally, the computat onal results demonstrate that f the null hypothes s
s accepted w th a s gn f cance level, w e have to bel ev e the reasonab l ty of b ased est mator nstead of LS est mato r
and w e can th nk f w e u se the b ased est mato r t w ll mpro ve LS est mator mo re eff ect vely .O n the contrary, f
the null hy pothes s s rejected, w e w ll su spect the b ased est mato rs super or ty .In th s case, us ng