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动词如何转换成名词 动名词(Gerund)和不定词(Infinitive) 1. 动名词(Gerund) 所谓动名词,乃是将一个动词,字尾加上ing,一夜之间,这个动词就可以当作名词用了。请看以下的例子: I like singing. Playing basketball is good for you. Do you enjoy listening to classical music? Is traveling around the world meaningful to you? Studying English is not difficult. 1.动名词可用作主词,如 Playing tennis is enjoyed by many people. Taking drugs is avoided by most people. Being kind to others is important for every one. Respecting your parents shows good character. 2.动名词可以用作动词的受词,如 I enjoy studying English. He does not mind walking long distances. I have never enjoyed being alone in my life. He loves swimming. 3.动名词可以用作介系词(preposition)的受词,英文里有很多介系词,at, in, about, of, on等等都是介系词,介系词后面必定跟一个名词,也是它的受词,举例来说 on the table in my home about Hitler of my life on this island 各位一定注意到,每一个介系词后面都有一个名词,作为它的受词。 动名词是可以作为介系词的受词的,如: This book is about traveling. He is responsible for cleaning the kitchen. My brother is capable of writing programs. You just keep on going straight. 在下面,我们要给各位更多有关gerund的例子,各位不妨看看每一个句子中,那个动名词是作什么用的。 Instead of swimming, he walks every morning. He likes walking in the woods. Are you interested in playing tennis? Loving is to be kind to others. Reading is important to students. In addition to traveling, he also likes reading novels. You will be happy by helping others. He is worried about being late. I finished writing the report yesterday. They thanked me for lending them money. He has never finished writing the novel. She is in change of teaching English in our school. My father objected to my going to the summer camp. Please stop joking about my brother. I look forward to seeing you. He has never enjoyed traveling. She was excited about going abroad. I consider gambling a bad thing to do. I have never dreamed of flying an airplane. He suggested talking to our teacher. I believe in doing some kind of exercise every day. Playing the piano is no fun at all. Nancy is accustomed to sleeping late. Are you tired of driving for so long? You should forgive others


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