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一、英语语言中的强调语气的表达 英语作为交际工具的一门语言,语气显得尤为重要,不同人的表达方式,体现出来的语言有所不同,这种语言表达出来的效果、目的也就不同。笔者在长期的教学实践中,从多方位、多角度对英语语言中的强调语气的表达进行了归纳总结,也许对同行们有所帮助。 一、强调句型:It is /was+强调部分+that 1、陈述句:注明:这种句式只能用来强调主语、宾语和状语。若被强调的部分是“人”的话,that完全可以用who代替。例如:He saw Li Ping in the school last week.我们可以对这个句子中的主语He, 宾语Li Ping, 状语in the school,?last week分别做以强调。 1)It was he that/who saw Li Ping in the school last week. 2) It was Li Ping that/who he saw in the school last week. 3) It was in the school that he saw Li Ping last week. 4) It was last week that he saw Li Ping in the school. 2、一般疑问句:句式:Is/Was it + 强调部分 + that… 例如:Do you often study English in the dormitory? 1) Is it you that/who often study English in the dormitory? 2) Is it English that you often study in the dormitory? 3) Is it in the dormitory that you often study English? 3、特殊疑问句:句式WH is /was it that… 例如1:When did you go to Beijing last year? 强调句是:When was it that you went to Beijing last year? 例如2:?Who was it that brought a call from remote antiquity ? 二、always与现在进行时表示“总是”的意思,通常强调活动特征,表达说话人的态度具有感情色彩。句式:be always doing… 例如1. He is always making trouble in class.他总是上课捣乱。(表示讨厌) 2. My brother is always helping others.我的弟弟总是帮助别人。(表示赞扬) 三、on earth, under the sun, in the world用在特殊疑问句词后面表示(究竟…,到底…)的意思 例如:1. What on earth are you doing there? 你究竟在那儿做什么? ??????2. Where in the world did you go? 你到底哪里去了? ????? 3. When under the sun did you go? 你到底什么时候去? 四、if any(若有的话), if ever(曾经), if…at all(根本)用在省略的从句加强主句语气? 例如:1. Correct the errors in his composition, if any.如果他的作文里有错误,请改正。 ????? 2. He has been there once, if ever.如果说他去过那里的话,也只是一次。 ??????3. Do it well if you do it at all. 要做就要做得好。 五、all(完全地,十分地) 例如:1. 1)I am all for adopting the new technique.我十分赞成采用这项新技术。 ?????????2)I am all for missing my mother.我十分想念我的母亲。 2. 接the和比较级表示“更加”。例如:Well I know that there’s danger ahead but I am all the more set on driving forward.明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前 六、if only(只要,要是…就好了) 例如:1. If only it clears up we’ll go.只要天一放晴我们就去。 ??????2. If only you had worked with greater care!你要是更仔细


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