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美联英语提供:外出旅行时,你一定要会说 关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里 /test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 Wheres the tourist information center?旅游信息问事处在哪儿? Sorry, Im a stranger here, too. May I have a free city map? 能给我一张免费城市地图吗? When does the museum open/close? 博物馆几点开门? Please tell me about some interesting 您能告诉我这些城市有哪些好玩的地方吗? places in this town. Is there anything to visit here? What are your interests? 您对什么感兴趣? What are you interested in? What kind of things are u interested in? What do you like? Im interested in architecture. 我对建筑感兴趣. What kind of tours do you have?、 都有哪些线路的旅行呢? Well, we have... What kind of tours are available? What kind of tours do you offer? What kind of tours are there? Please show me the way. 请告诉我要去的路线. Are they open on Saturdays? 他们星期六开门吗? Are there any sightseeing buses? 有旅游车吗? Is there a sightseeing bus tour??有旅游车游览团吗? Do you have any sightseeing bus tours? Are there any sightseeing bus tours? Id like a tour by taxi.?我想做出租车旅游. Id like a guide.?我想要一个导游. I want a Japanese-speaking guide. 我想要一位会日语的导游. Id like a Japanese-speaking guide, pls. Id like to request a French-speaking guide. Could we have a French-speaking guide? How much is it per day??一天多少钱? How much is admission??入场券多少钱? How much is the entrance fee? Two tickets, please.?买两张票. Whats that building??那个建筑物是什么? Can we go in??我们能进去吗??--Of course. Lets go to see the castle. 我们去看看那座城堡吧. What a beautiful view!?都没的景色呀. I want to stay longer.我想多呆一会. Lets leave now.?我们走吧. I want to rest a while.我想休息一会. I want to rest for a while. I want to rest. /I want to take a rest. May I take a picture here? 这儿可以照相吗? Would it be all right if I took a picture here?您能给我照张相吗? Would you take a picture for us? Will you take a picture of us? Would you mind posing with me??能和我一起照张相吗? Ill send the pictures.?我会把照片寄给您的. Where is the gift shop? 哪儿有礼品店? Where can I find the gift shop? Wheres the bathroom? 洗手间在哪? Which way is the bathroom? Is the bathroom around here? Could you tell me how to get to the bathroom? How can I get to the bathroom? Its out


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