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1 我们的城市正变得越来越美好 Our city is becoming more and more beautiful 2 我认为潜水是所有活动中最危险的。I think diving is the most dangerous of all the activities 3 在这个城市,百分之二十的人已经失业了。Twenty percent of people in this city has lost their jobs 4 此刻我的妈妈正在厨房做早餐。My mother is making breakfast at the moment 5这条街的两边都有树。There are trees on both sides of the road 6 明天我将带领你们参观我的新学校。I’ll show you around my new school tomorrow 7 昨天晚上直到我母亲回来我才睡觉。I didn’t go to bed until my mother came home 8 你最好别和他争论关于钱的问题。You’d better not argue with him about money 9 谢谢你邀请我参加在你们学校举办的时装表演。Thank you for inviting me to join in the fashion show at your school 10 这种汽车太贵,我们买不起。The car is too expensive for us to afford 11 上周丹尼尔自学了怎样收发电子邮件。Daniel taught himself how to send and receive e-mails last week 12 在所有的动物园中,这个动物园拥有的动物最少。This zoo has the fewest animals of all the zoos 13 我希望我会像鸟一样飞。I wish I could fly like a bird 14 不要阻止他们组织一次慈善活动。Don’t prevent them organizing a charity activity 15 我认为瞧不起残疾人是错误的。I think it wrong to look down on the disabled 16 对不起,我没有时间给你回信。I’m sorry that I have no time to reply to you 17 本周四晚上将实况转播那场篮球赛。That basketball match will be covered live this Thursday evening 18 现在我迫不及待地想参观故宫博物院。Now I can’t wait to visit the Palace museum 19 你表姐几乎没有空闲时间顾及她的爱好,是吗?Your cousin hardly has any time for her hobbies , does she? 20 现在医生正在给我爷爷动手术。Now the doctor is operating on my grandpa . 21 用丝绸做的衬衫摸上去真柔软!How soft the shirt made of silk feels! 22 他们终于想出了一个解决问题的好方法。At last they came up with a good way to solve the problem 23 我们教室前面有一张讲台。There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom 24 我不知道如何在工作和玩耍之间获得平衡。I don’t know how to achieve a balance between play and work 25 我们没有选择,只好向警察求助。We have no choice but to ask the police for help 26 截止到2010年底,他们已去过美国三次了。They had been to America three times by the end of 2010 27 请原谅我上学又一次迟到。Please forgive me for my being late for school again 28 这些书对孩子有不良影响。These books have bad effects on children 29 上周他被指控闯入电脑系统。Last week he was charged with breaking into the computer system 30 你的作


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